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Ariadne Pfad:


4th IASSIDD Europe Congress 2014 - Pathways to Inclusion!

14.07.2014, 08:00 Uhr - 17.07.2014, 18:00 Uhr

University Vienna


h t t p : / / i a s s i d d 2 0 1 4 . u n i v i e . a c . a tExterner Link

"The topics addressed at the congresswill follow a structure closely linked to the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD). The focus of this congress will allow participants among others to detect areas for future research meaningful with respect to evidence based promotion on those rights as expressed in the CRPD.
The 4th IASSIDD Europe Congress is a major European event presenting and debating the newest advances in research on intellectual disability from around the globe (...). The congress program will have a stringent and prominent inclusive format, giving people with intellectual disability the opportunity to actively participate.
Sessions (Symposia and invited symposia) and Posters as well as presentations will be clustered in7 tracks. The central track is inclusion. (...):
1.Law and Liberty of the Person
2. Living in the Community
3. Education
4. Work and Employment
5. Participation Over the Lifespan
6. Health: General Health and Specific Health Issues
7. Inclusion"
[Abstract: Site editorÂ’s information]


Inklusion, Bildung, inclusion, education, intellectual disability, participation, equal opportunities, equal rights, persons with disabilities, geistige Behinderung, Teilhabe, Chancengleichheit: Gleichberechtigung, Menschen mit Behinderung,

Art der Veranstaltung Konferenz / Tagung / Fachtagung / Kolloquium / Kongress / Symposium
Inhaltsbereich der Veranstaltung Allgemeinbildung; Kindertageseinrichtungen; Vorschule; Primarstufe; Sekundarstufe I; Sekundarstufe II; Sonderschule/Förderschule; Berufliche Bildung; Hochschule; Jugendbildung; Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung; Senior/innenbildung; Behindertenpädagogik; Soziale Arbeit/Sozialpädagogik; Wissenschaft/Bildungsforschung; Bildungspolitik/Bildungsverwaltung; Medien- und Informationskompetenz
Adressaten Studierende; Hochschullehrer/innen / Forscher/-innen; Fachleute aus Bildungspolitik und -verwaltung; Behindertenpädagogen/-pädagoginnen
Tagungssprache Englisch
Relevanz europaweit
Veranstalter International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD); University Vienna; Lebenshilfe Austria
Zuletzt geändert am 07.07.2014

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