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Ariadne Pfad:


The Standing International Conference of Inspectorates (SICI)

Koning Albert II-Iaan 15
1210 Brussels

h t t p s : / / w w w . s i c i - i n s p e c t o r a t e s . e u /Externer Link

SICI is an association of national and regional inspectorates of education in Europe. It was founded in 1995 and there are now 36 (June 2016) member inspectorates. SICIÂ’s aim is to support the improvement of education through improving inspection processes. The specific goals are to
• Exchange information about education and the inspection systems of member inspectorates
• Support the professional growth of inspectors
• Undertake joint inspection and evaluation projects
These goals are realised through an annual General Assembly and conference, 3 or 4 inspection workshops each year, various evaluation projects and other co-operative ventures. All activities are realised jointly between SICI and specific member inspectorates.


Bildungssystem, Prüfungswesen, Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Informationsaustausch,

Art der Institution Internationale Einrichtung
Land Belgien
Zuletzt geändert am 14.06.2016

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