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Ariadne Pfad:


Crosier, David; Purser, Lewis; Smidt, Hanne

Trends V - Universities shaping the European Higher Education Area.

An EUA report.

h t t p s : / / e u a . e u / d o w n l o a d s / p u b l i c a t i o n s / t r e n d s % 2 0 v % 2 0 u n i v e r s i t i e s % 2 0 s h a p i n g % 2 0 t h e % 2 0 e u r o p e a n % 2 0 h i g h e r % 2 0 e d u c a t i o n % 2 0 a r e a . p d fExterner Link

Contents: 1. Structural Reform: Implementing the Three Cycles (1.1. Implementation of degree structures. - 1.2 Institutional attitudes. - 1.3. Issues regarding implementation of the three cycles. - 1.4. The three cycles. - 1.5. Joint programmes and degrees. - 1.6. Consideration of employability issues in a changing European higher education landscape). - 2. Bologna Tools for Mobility and Recognition (2.1.Credit systems. - 2.2. Recognition. - 2.3. Diploma Supplement. - 2.4. Mobility. - 2.5. Internationalisation). - 3. Student Support Services and Student Participation (3.1.Student support services. - 3.2 Student participation). - 4. Quality Assurance (4.1. Internal evaluation questionnaire findings. - 4.2 The rise of quality culture. - 4.3 Autonomy). - 5. Lifelong Learning and Widening Access (5.1. The priority of lifelong learning in European HEIs. - 5.2. Lifelong learning practices at European HEIs. - 5.3. Lifelong learning, widening access and the social dimension. - 5.4. Lifelong learning and the qualifications framework for the European higher education area. - 5.5. Lifelong learning and recognition of prior learning). - 6. New Member Countries: Implementing Bologna (6.1. The impact of the Bologna process in the Russian Federation. - 6.2. South East Europe. - 6.3. Georgia) (HoF/text adopted).


Europa, Georgien, Mitteleuropa, Osteuropa, Russland,

Quelle Brussels (2007), 100 S., URL des Volltextes:
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Sprache englisch
Dokumenttyp Monographie

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  1. Dokumente zur Gestaltung des EHEA

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