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University teacher at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: university teacher

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The National Association of University Teachers ANDU was founded in 1998 and is not to be confused with the historical ANDU (1968-71). The site is structured like a blog: for each topic you will find a page with various articles. The topics covered are: teaching (recruitment, careers), governance, research, evidence, funding, law, students. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

The "Federation of Knowledge Workers" (FLC) is part of the "Italian General Confederation of Trade Unions" (Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro - CGIL), which is considered the second largest trade union federation in Europe (after the German DGB). The FLC represents teachers from schools, universities and higher artistic, musical and dance education (AFAM), as well as [...]

This site provides structured information on education in the Netherlands in German language. The single chapters deal with school, higher education, and teacher education. "anabin" is an information database of the German Conference of Ministers of Education - Central Office for Foreign Education (Kultusministerkonferenz - Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen - [...]

In contrast to FUURT (Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers), YLL "is a trade union for all teaching staff at the non-professorial level, whether tenured or untenured." The English summary of the website provides information on tasks and activities of YLL. YLL is part of the OAJ - Trade Union of Education in Finland. Together with FUURT and the "Finnish Union [...]

FUURT ist the Finnish Union for University Researchers and Teachers, also including "library personnel and other academic experts". The website provides ample information on the FUURT's activities, as well as on everything you need to know when working at a Finnish university. The union also has a special group for international researchers working in Finland. Together with [...]

The main aim of POSDEP since its establishment in 1989 has been to ensure that Greek governments will provide students with public, free university education and that the universities will be totally independent; fiscally, administratively, institutionally. POSDEP is mainly in contact with the Federation of Associations of Technical Institutions (OSEP-TEI) and the Union of [...]

Dominican Republic
The Academical Alliance (AA) regroups teachers, employees and students of the universities. Its goal is to contribute to the defence and the development of its members by allocating itself as developed institution which contributes, by qualitative and efficient means, to the progress of the country.

"The Australian Council of Deans of Education (ACDE) is the peak organisation representing the deans of faculties of education and heads of schools of education in Australian universities and other higher education institutions." Its website provides information on the council, access to its publications as well as links to related websites.

The Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA) aims to advance the practice and study of distance education in Australia and foster communication between distance educators. Its website provides information on ODLAA, its activities and publications as well as links to related websites.

Link list about research at the University of Malta: It provides a manual for project cycle management, a survey of current fields of research, research papers, abstracts, titles of papers, articles, books or chapters in books, publications by staff of the University of Malta and articles in (local) newspapers.

The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Historical background; 2. The process and impact of institutional reform; 3. The ingredients of institutional transformation; 4. Economic, political and education sector transformation; 5. unfinished business.

The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. Historical background; 3. Students: access and equity; 4. Teaching Staff; 5. Relevance, quality and quantity; 6. ICT policies and use; 7. Finance and governance; 8. Conclusions and recommendations.

The case study concentrates particularly on Makerere University and contains the following chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. Historical background; 3. Problems of Makerere University in the context of political climate (1970-1990); 4. Change and recovery through institutional reform; 5. Challenges and unfinished business: 6. Recommendations; 7. Conclusion.

South Africa, Republic
The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Transforming South African Higher Education, 1990-2003: Goals, Policy Initiatives and Critical Challenges and Issues; 2. Equity and Development in Post-Apartheid South African Higher Education; 3. Strategic Co-operation Scenarios for Post-School Education in the Eastern Cape; 4. Assessing the Eastern Cape Study.

The Counsil of Rectors of Panama has several functions to rise the quality of public and private universities and their administration, e. g.coordination and information of the member universities and developing regulations concerning minimal requirements for academic degrees. The web site provides information about these tasks, the organisation structure, projects and [...]

This web site of the Education Ministry provides answers to all questions of higher education, from higher education law, study courses, admission, research to evaluation and quality control.

international; Latin America
This organization has as its objectives to promote postgraduate studies and assure the quality of the training of university staff in the member states and, furthermore, to provide information about respective programmes. With the button Información one gets information texts about statutes, activities and objectives of the AUIP. Additionally, there is a list of member [...]

The main objective of this administrative body is to promote and evaluate quality in higher education in Catalonia, based on the resp. law. Other objectives are assessment, accreditation and certification of study programmes and of academic degrees and evaluation of the teaching staff. The web site provides details concerning these tasks, links to publications (among others [...]

The Council's members are the persons responsible for higher education in the regional governments, the heads of the universities and 21 representatives of the society. It executes various functions of higher education policy, e.g. creation and accreditation of universities, planning of study programs and diplomas, regulation of admission etc. The homepage has navigation [...]

The Peruvian National Rectors Assembly has several functions to rise the quality of public and private universities and their administration, e.g. coordination and information of the member universities, development of regulations concerning minimal requirements for academic degrees or conflict solving within the universities. The web site provides information about these [...]

This agency's task is to improve the quality of the tertiary system by making public its performance through evaluation and other measures leading to certification and accreditation. The web site shows a navigation point "programas" which provides information about the five tasks: institutional evaluation, certification, accreditation, evaluation ot the professorate and [...]

This commission registers ans evaluates the research activities of university professors and other scientists regularly in a six-year period. The web site provides information about members, legal bases and the formal evaluation procedure and evaluation criteria. Educational research can be found in the seventh discipline "ciencias sociales..." on the homepage.

This web site provides information about higher education laws and prescriptions. It is arranged in 1) legislation conerning the students ( admission, scholarships, various degrees), 2) legislation concerning the higher education institutions themselves ( mainly administration) and 3) legislation for the teaching staff. There is also a link to the resp. database LEDA [...]

This web site provides access to the texts of legal prescriptions concerning international mobility of higher education staff and researchers (also post-graduate students).

United Kingdom
"Teacher Support Network is a national charity that provides practical and emotional support to teachers and lecturers (both serving and retired) and their families, regardless of age, length of service or union affiliations." Financial problems and retirement are the main issues.

Tha program's objective is to raise the rate of women in the Swiss professorate. The website descrbes 3 modules and the funding of the program.

Information on the federation and the point system for universities. List of publications, annual reports to download, links to legal statements, salary schemes and research information.

Universities Denmark is the organization of the eight Danish universities to enhance their cooperation, visibility and impact. Universities Denmark works to ensure that its members have the best possible conditions for shouldering their responsibility towards research, research-based education and dissemination of knowledge. University management and staff convene at [...]

The Conference of the Spanish University Principals in this website provides information about its mission and organization (commissions for many special agenda, e.g. student orientation), its political actions, the developments concerning the Higher Education Administration Law (LOU), international cooperation and statistical sources. Furthermore, there is a link list of all [...]

CSHE is a national and international leader in higher education policy research and educational development. CSHE provides independent, research-based advice and support on matters of teaching and learning, the student experience, professional development for academics, and quality assurance policies and processes. The website offers links to full texts (statements, research [...]

ECN is Canada´s largest educational e-recruitment resource network with a nationwide online database. Access to the database and joboffers of the provinces and territories, of national and international educational organisations.

SULF, is the association for university teachers, researchers and doctoral candidates. SULF, is a member of the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (Saco), whose members are professionals with university or college education. It is one of three confederations of trade unions. It represents the professional interests of its members.

United States of America (USA)
Founded in 1915, the association has helped to shape American higher education by developing standards and procedures for quality education and academic freedom in American colleges and universities. Highly reputated publications as 'The Redbook' - Widely regarded as an authoritative source on sound academic practice (can be ordered from Johns Hopkins University Press); [...]

The Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education was established in 2002 assuming the responsibilities of the former Australian Universities Teaching Committee (AUTC). Its aim is to promote and support strategic change in higher education institutions for the enhancement of learning and teaching, including curriculum development and assessment. Its website [...]

The UGC is a national body for the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of University education. It serves as a vital link between the Union and State Governments and the institution of higher learning. In addition to its role of giving grants to universities and colleges, it also advises Central and State Governments on the measures necessary for the [...]

United Kingdom
"HERO is the official gateway site to the UK's universities, colleges and research organisations. HERO is organised into six zones that cover the key areas of higher education (Studying, Research, Business, Inside HE, Culture and Sport, Universities and Colleges)".

This website describes the mission and activities of the International Labour Organization in the education sector; links are provided to electronic and print publications of the ILO (e.g. conference papers) and to other international organizations working in related fields.

This database is produced by the Unesco Education Documentation Service ( in cooperation with 12 participant organizations. It includes some 25. 000 references since 1988 on higher education systems, administration, planning and policy, costs and finances, evaluation of higher education, issues related to staff and students, cooperation, mobility and [...]

Text of an article about higher education in Ghana published in "The Commonwealth Universities Year Book 1997-98"; Vol.1; pp 649-656.

The Association of French University Staff and Researchers in Education was founded in 1971 and has more than 400 members. The website provides information about its tasks and organisational structure, about events, conferences, publications and journals in educational sciences, as well as on other associations and research institutions in education. To communicate with fellow [...]

HERDSA is a scholarly society which encourages and promotes quality teaching and learning in higher education in Australasia. Its website provides information on the society and its activities as well as links to teaching resources from Australasian Universities and other related websites.

The AVCC is the peak organisation representing Australian universities nationally and internationally. It seeks to advance higher education through voluntary, cooperative and coordinated action. Besides a description of AVCC, its policies and actions, the website provides information about Australian universities (overview of the university system, links to individual [...]

The non-governmental organisation Cooperation for the Development of University Education (CODEU) has the objective to support the academic staff of Ecuador in improving their didactic and pedagogic capacities. The website gives information about various support projects, e.g. distance study for professors and the program RTAC-II which, in co-operation with USAID, distributes [...]

The information provided on this website of the Higher Education Department of the Education Ministry includes information about all issues of higher education policy such as legislation, evaluation of higher education staff and other evaluation issues, congresses, research etc.

The homepage of the Ministry of Higher Education, Teacher Education and Scientific Research offers the following information: chart of the Ministry's organisational structure, personnel statistics, higher education institutions, educational statistics, educational law and further links to ministries and institutions of national higher education and abroad.

The National Higher Education Council is the central office for higher education planning in Venezuela. At the homepage one can click: 1) a the results of the admission process to higher education, 2) statistics (until 1998) about numbers of students, teaching personnel and degrees, 3) information about the Council and some links.

United Kingdom
"The Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) is an independent trade union and professional association for teachers, head teachers, lecturers; education support staff (PAtT) and, in our Professional Association of Nursery Nurses (PANN) section, nursery nurses, nannies and other childcarers". The site informs about the organisations activities and sub-sections.

Central Europe; Eastern Europe
The Civic Education Project (CEP) is a not-for-profit international education organization dedicated to assisting universities in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. CEP is affiliated with the Central European University, founded by philanthropist George Soros, and with Yale University. CPS is currently active in Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech [...]

This homepage of the University Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo refers to the history of the university, the rectorate of the single faculties with the study courses and programmes offered, to the teaching staff and the students, to legal regulations and to the annual report. Besides information is provided on the student association, the Centre for African Students and the library [...]

United States of America (USA)
Most important US journal on Higher Education. Subscription USD 82, 50 per year. Some parts of the site are free to all. They include: Colloquy, an open forum on issues in higher education and a searchable job database.

The Canadian Association of University Teachers is the national voice of university academic staff in Canada. Established in 1951, CAUT is a federation of faculty associations/unions and represents members in every province by: promoting the interests of teachers, professional librarians and researchers in Canadian universities and university colleges, advancing the standards [...]

Australia; international
"UltiBASE is a peer-reviewed e-journal and resource for tertiary teachers. Its aim is to promote teaching best practice in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Education in all tertiary settings." The journal is no longer published, but its archive containing issues from December 1996 till November 2003 is still accessible.

United Kingdom
"The University and College Union has been formed by the amalgamation of the Association of University Teachers and NATFHE - The University & College Lecturers' Union. UCU is the largest trade union and professional association for academics, lecturers, trainers, researchers and academic-related staff working in further and higher education throughout the UK."

The website of Australia's union for tertiary education staff offers information on the union itself, its campaigns and services for members, information about employment rights and current debates concerning higher education policy. It also provides access to full text versions of its journals and other publications.

United States of America (USA)
This is a link list of professional associations in the USA which represent the personnel working in higher and continuing education.

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