2020 - Archive of Education Worldwide News
UK to stay in Horizon Europe but drop out of Erasmus+ (Uni World News 31.12.20)
Our international OER dossier re-published in new splendour
At the end of the year, we completely revised and updated our international OER dossier. The OER movement can now look back on several years of activity. Many projects have now expired. But many new ones have also been created, building on the knowledge gained from older projects ("lessons learned"). Networks and repositories with OER material have emerged. Much literature has also been published on OER, including critical voices. You can find all of this in our new web dossier on international perspectives on OER. We hope you enjoy reading!
The State of School Education. One Year into the COVID Pandemic.
Preliminary results - March 2021.
"In 2020, 1.5 billion students in 188 countries/economies were locked out of their schools. Students everywhere have been faced with schools that are open one day and closed the next, causing massive disruption to their learning. With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic still raging, many education systems are still struggling, and the situation is constantly evolving. The [...]
Guidance on Open Educational Practices during School Closures.
Utilizing OER under COVID-19 Pandemic in line with UNESCO OER Recommendation.
"This publication is motivated and inspired by the UNESCO OER Recommendation and the innovative experiences worldwide. It aims to show the implications of using Open Educational Practices (OEP) and Open Educational Resources (OER) on learning outcomes. Particularly, it describes, through illustrative examples, innovative approaches to using OEP and OER worldwide during [...]
Countries Embracing Maternal Employment Have Opened Schools Sooner after COVID-19 Lockdowns (Study, Sept 2020)
An international study about the correlation between the maternal employment rate and the rapidity with which countries re-opened their schools during the Corona pandemic in 2020. The study was carried out by two researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
International trends and innovation in career guidance – Volume I & II (2020)
2020 Latin America and the Caribbean Report - Inclusion and Education: All means all
This regional report gives an insight into inclusive education in latin America and the Caribbean. It is a supplement to the "Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report" published annually by the Unesco. In 2020, the report's focus theme is inclusion in education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Talking about education in the US election 2020
On the occasion of the 59th presidential election in the USA, we present a little insight into how the topic of education was negotiated in the election campaign. You will find the respective election programmes of the candidates Donald Trump (Republicans) and Joe Biden (Democrats) on education; also some articles that draw comparisons between Trump's and Biden's plans for the education in the US. We also offer you a few other sources that deal with the topic of education in the US election campaign in 2020.
New webdossier: Inclusion in South America
A new webdossier has been published in our series "Inclusion in an international perspective". This time we take a look at inclusion in South America. The webdossier presents websites giving an overview & introductions into the topic, websites on the Political Frame, Networks & Organisations, Research on Inclusion, Literature & Journals, Events & Conferences, Inclusion in Latin America in other areas of society (other than the issue of disability)
Since the German Education Report 2014 was published, Education Worldwide has been gradually creating webdossiers on inclusion on all continents and in individual countries. The occasion was the focus topic "People with Disabilities" in the Education Report 2014. So far, the following webdossiers on inclusion have been published: in Europe, North, Central and South America, as well as Africa. Additionally, sections on inclusion can be found in the country dossiers of the following countries: Finland, Greece, Indonesia, Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, United Kingdom. They can all be found in the superordinate webdossier "Inclusion in an international perspective".
Focus theme "School is great!" - European culture channel ARTE
In autumn 2020, the European cultural channel ARTE focusses on schools in different countries. There are both feature films and documentaries from and about the following countries: France, Belgium, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Canada, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Afghanistan, Nepal. The reason for this focus is, among other things, that school - and digitisation - has become an important and much-discussed topic of conversation around the world in times of Corona / Covid-19. Unfortunately, the films and documentaries in the ARTE media library are only available online for a relatively short time (approx. until mid-November) - the topic of "School in times of Corona" will certainly be with us for a longer time. Unfortunately, there is no special page for the focus theme in English. But some of the films and documentaries have English subtitles and are available on the website as such. For our international users, we therefore linked to a search result for the keyword "school" in the English ARTE media library.
"Education Under Attack 2020" - a study by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA)
"A Global Study of Attacks on Schools, Universities, their Students and Staff, 2015-2019 Education is under attack around the world. From Afghanistan to Colombia, Mali to Thailand, students and teachers are killed, raped, and abducted, while schools and universities are occupied, bombed, and destroyed. Between 2015 and 2019, there were more than 11,000 reported attacks, [...]
Horizon Europe - the next research and innovation framework programme (The Commission's proposal for Horizon Europe, strategic planning, implementation, news, related links)
Detailed information site of the European Commission concerning their new research and innovation framework programme for 2021-2027. The site provides information on the Commission's proposal for Horizon Europe, strategic planning, implementation, news, and related links. "Horizon Europe" follows "Horizon 2020" which ran from 2014-2020. [...]
Anti-Racism Learning Series (SIETAR Europa)
The "Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research" (SIETAR Europa) has launched a Learning Series on Anti-Racism starting on 1st July 2020. The first event was a panel discussion on "Anti-Racism for Interculturalists" Following this discussion, there will be two presentations on "Whiteness, Fragility and the Culture of niceness" and "Taking Another Look in the Rear-View Mirror". You can either take part virtually in the live event via Zoom or watch the series later on via youtube.
New publication: Unesco GEM Report 2020 with focus on Inclusion & Education
The new Unesco World Education Report was presented on 23 June 2020. The focus this time is on inclusion in education. The report has been published since 2002. Until 2015 it was known as the "Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report". Since 2016 its name has changed to "Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report". It accompanies and documents the implementation of the goals set by Unesco for certain periods: the Millennium Development Goals from 2000-2015; and from 2016 onwards, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
The full report is available in 6 languages including English. Summaries are available in some more languages. You will also find an easy-to-read version.
Learning and Living in Diverse Communities.
Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Communities Network.
"The Network 'Between Global and Local - Adult Learning and Communities' (BGL-ALC) is part of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA). It aims at showing the central role of adult learning in processes of community development. The 2019 conference addressed the broad question of 'Living and Learning in Diverse Communities': Communities confronted [...]
The Coronavirus - COVID-19 - in Germany: Helpful websites for international users as of 2021
A collection of English language resources concerning coronavirus and measures against a spread of the pandemic in Germany; work and residence; learning German online.
Articles on how the Coronavirus pandemic affects Higher education Worldwide - provided by University World News
Business engagement in education in emergencies: Lessons for the COVID-19 response (World Education Blog 08.04.20)
European national websites for online and distance learning during school closures
The School Education Gateway provides links to European national portals for online and distance learning during the school closures due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The School Education Gateway is funded by Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Teaching about refugees (UNHCR)
A very extensive and informative page of the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) on how to teach about refugees. On the one hand, there are general, cross-age information such as "Words matter", "Facts and figures", "Including refugees in your classroom". On the other hand, age-specific teaching materials are [...]
Educational regulations and decrees in time of the coronavirus pandemic (worldwide)
The Planipolis portal collects and links special regulations and similar documents from all over the world that were necessary in connection with the coronavirus pandemic in the field of education. This mainly concerns day-care center and school closures, but also other measures, e.g. budget, digital learning. Planipolis is a portal run by Unesco.
European Schoolnet and Covid-19: E-Teaching resources for teachers
The European Schoolnet offers links to resources related to digital education and teaching. You will find strategies for online teaching, platforms for sharing e-resources, the European Schoolnet Academy Blog, webinars and much more. The compilation of links originated in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, in which school closings around the world are forcing students to teach and learn digitally from home.
The Coronavirus gets explained in easy language
The organisation "Inclusion in Europe" explains the Coronavirus in easy language.
The Coronavirus spreads quickly. The Coronavirus is very contagious.
The organisation "Inclusion in Europe" explains how you should behave. The organisation gives an easy explanation in many languages. For example in English, Italian, Spanish or French.
The links to the easy explanation are below the picture.
Vocational Education & Training Worldwide - Country Studies
The German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has made available online all of its country studies, updates and specialist articles from the International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training (IHBB). New studies had already been freely accessible online since 2014 (Open Access). Meanwhile, all older studies since their first publication in 1995 have also been digitized and are now available online.
The chapters of the respective volumes have changed slightly over the years, but all in all provide a similar and comparable overview of the VET systems of different countries worldwide.
The most recent issues include the following chapters:
1. Country specific context
2. Typical VET trajectories or training courses
3. An overview of the education system
4. Vocational education and training
5. Important framework conditions and determinants of VET
The country studies are only avalable in German - with one exception made so far for the country study on India, which is available in German and English.
How is the coronavirus affecting learners with disabilities? (World Education Blog 30.03.20)
A report on the educational situation of people with disabilities during the current coronavirus pandemic. Amongst others, it highlightens the fact that the now increasingly popular alternative of digital education creates many problems for people with disabilities. The blog is run by the team of the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report) of the Unesco. [Abstract: [...]
New webdossier on "Learning Analytics" compiled by the German Eduserver
The 10th Learning Analytics Conference (LAK20) took place from March 25-27, 2020. Due to the current corona pandemic, the anniversary edition took place entirely online for the first time in LAK history. It was organised by our colleagues in the "Educational Technology" department of the DIPF.
On this occasion, we want to take a look at this still relatively new field of activity in educational research. Our dossier deals with the application of Learning Analytics (LA) in schools and Higher Education in Germany (in German) as well as with the international development of LA (Engl+Ger).
In our dossier you will find definitions, basics, literature tips, and further information on research projects, specialist societies, application areas, journals, conferences as well as critical thoughts related to the field of "Learning Analytics".
Worldwide effects on education caused by the Coronavirus (Covid-19)
The coronavirus epidemic of 2020 has an impact on education worldwide, as Unesco reports.
Meanwhile, 850 million students (as of March 18th, 2020) cannot go to school due to school closures due to the corona virus. On its website, Unesco provides a world map showing in which countries schools are closed either nationwide or at a regional level.
In order to remedy this situation, Unesco recommends the use of distance learning and digital learning programmes and platforms. For this purpose, an extra page with lists of e-learning platforms, apps and more is provided.
The links to the Unesco pages can be found here:
Super Tuesday in the USA (primaries march 2020) - The candidates' statements on education
Super Tuesday is the colloquial appellation for a specific Tuesday in March in the United States on which presidential primaries are held in most states. Scoring well on Super Tuesday increases a candidate's chances of later being nominated as a presidential candidate by their party.
In principle, the parties and the states can set their election dates independently. In practice, however, Democrats and Republicans as well as many states generally vote on the same day. This is especially the case on Super Tuesday. However, it is not always the same states that hold their elections on Super Tuesday. As of March 2020, these are: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia.
Please follow the two links provided here to find out what the candidates of the different parties have to say about education:
Two surveys concerning researchers at risk at European higher education and researchs institutions
As part of the “Initiative to Support, Promote and Integrate Researchers at Risk in Europe - InSPIREurope ” , The European University Association (EUA) is conducting two surveys.
One survey addresses higher education and research institutions and the practices and challenges they face when hosting researchers at risk in Europe.
The other survey addresses researchers at risk and their awareness of European and national research funding and other support mechanisms, and the challenges they meet in accessing them.
InSPIREurope is a project by the "Scholars at Risk" network.
Fact-checking: Has Finland abolished subject teaching in schools?
"Finland has abolished subject teaching!" - This claim has often been made by the media worldwide since about 2015. Is this really true? We checked this for you.
British Science: The consequences of Brexit for Research (DLF 26.01.20) [courtesy translation]
[Available only in German] "It is difficult to predict what the EU exit on January 31, 2020 will mean for scientists and universities in Great Britain. Brexit will have an impact - whether it will be "hard" or "soft". And maybe even a more positive one than many prophecies declare." German broadcasting, Deutschlandfunk, Wissenschaft im Brennpunkt, 26.01.20, moderation Uli [...]
Fears over future for Erasmus international student exchange scheme after Brexit (The Independent 09.01.20)
"Former students who benefited from the EU’s Erasmus+ scheme have voiced dismay following the defeat of a parliamentary bid to force the government to keep it open to UK students after Brexit. (...)". Andrew Woodcock, Political Editor, article for The Independent (newspaper), Thursday 9 January 2020
DAAD: years abroad in times of political confrontation (German radio report)
Joybrato Mukherjee has replaced Margret Wintermantel as President of the German Academic Exchange Service. The change comes at a time when political conflicts make years abroad difficult. The exchange with people from non-democratic countries is enormously important, emphasize old and new leaders. (DLF Radio Report, Campus and Career Show from 02.01.2020)
Last Update: 07.02.2022 - bildungweltweit@dipf.deNews worldwide
- Science at war: Ukraine and Russia research reposition themselves (DLF Kultur 11.07.24) [courtesy translation]
- #ETU4REF - ‘In and Through Education: Education Trade Unions support the inclusion of refugees and migrants’ (project 2023-2025)
- Reconstruction Ukraine: The importance of science, Interview Ursula Paintner, DAAD (DLF 11.06.24) [courtesy translation]
- The UK's withdrawal from Erasmus + has far-reaching consequences (DLF 10.06.24) [courtesy translation]