Ergebnis der Suche (97)

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961 bis 970
  • Deutschland und Großbritannien im Vergleich

    Dominik Ahlenkamp und Benjamin Klein überlegen in ihrer Hausarbeit, wie der Vergleich zweier Regierungssysteme fachlich korrekt, handlungsorientiert und kompetenzbasiert im Unterricht unternommen werden könnte. Sie liefern eine ausführliche Sachanalyse und untersuchen die Regierungssysteme Deutschlands und Großbritanniens (Universität Duisburg-Essen: CIVES-Forum #8, ...

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  • Why People Move: How Data Predicts the Great Climate Migration

    In this lesson, students will read and analyze reporting investigating the relationship between global warming and future migration and research other issues that intersect with climate change (USA: Pulitzercenter 2020).  

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  • Body of a Nation

    What roles has the Mississippi River played throughout United States history? How has the river been central to struggles to define “America” and “American”? In this New York Times lesson, students examine what life was like on the banks of the Mississippi River during pivotal moments in American history (2017).

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  • NASA Precipitation Education: Societal Applications

    Drinking water, agriculture, extreme weather survival, climate change resilience, and other essential aspects of life depend on the availability of water and understanding its movement around the globe. NASA's Societal Applications collection of detailed lesson plans and other resources is designed for learners to apply knowledge of precipitation and the water cycle to ...

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  • Exploring Modern Life Amid Relics of the Roman Empire

    This New York Times lesson invites students to learn about the Roman Empire through stories about the communities that have developed in its wake (2017-21).

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  • History vs. Augustus

    His reign marked the beginning of one of history’s greatest empires … and the end of one of its first republics. Was Rome’s first emperor a visionary leader who guaranteed his civilization’s place in history, or a tyrant who destroyed its core values? Peta Greenfield and Alex Gendler put this controversial figure on trial in History vs. Augustus (USA: TED-Ed 2018) ...

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  • The Trial of Galileo

    Students will become familiar with the Trial of Galileo Galilei in 1633. Students will understand who Galileo was, and how the controversy around his ideas about the solar system reflected the conflict of ideas in a time of change. Extension activities include developing a Mock Trial based on the Galileo case (History Teaching Institute at The Ohio State University ...

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  • Factory Life

    How do you make sense of contrasting accounts of historical events? What makes one source more reliable than another? How does corroborating information across sources help confirm or discredit historical accounts? In this lesson, students engage in such questions as they evaluate and compare different types of primary source documents with different perspectives on working ...

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  • Comparing Jewish Refugees of the 1930s With Syrian Refugees Today

    This Text to Text lesson pairs a New York Times article about the historical resonance of Europe’s refugee crisis with an excerpt from “Defying the Nazis” that chronicles a relief and rescue mission in 1939 (2017).

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  • Nazi Propaganda

    To justify the annexation of Austria, Hitler called for a public vote on whether the unification should stand. In this lesson, students analyze and compare three different forms of propaganda that influenced the vote – a speech delivered by Hitler, a campaign poster, and a voting ballot (USA: Stanford 2021).

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