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Portugal: Education system and education information - Education Systems International

Country / region: Portugal

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Belgium; Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Canada; Luxemburg; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Portugal; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Turkey; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom; Japan; Finland; Australia; New Zealand; Mexico; Czechia; Hungary; Poland; Slovakia; Chile; Slovenia; Israel; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Colombia; Costa Rica; Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This page of the OECD contains current studies and analyses on issues relating to the integration of people with a migration background and refugees in the OECD countries. The topics include language training, recognition of educational qualifications, digital and social participation.

Europe; Germany; Greece; Portugal
The Open Teach project aims to empower teachers develop their digital competences profiles and become implementers and promoters of Open Educational Resources and Practices (OER and OEP). Open Teach offers online courses on digital education and working with OER, including finding, selecting, modifying, re-purposing and evaluating resources. The courses include practical [...]

Europe; Germany; Italy; France; Spain; Sweden; Portugal; Netherlands; Finland; United Kingdom; Ireland; Denmark; Belgium
The network YERUN was founded in 2014 and has 18 member Universities in Europe. The criterion for membership was that the universities are not older than 50 years. They cooperate in the sector of education, EU policy, graduate employability and research. In 2018, seven member universities came together to form YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe". YUFE wants [...]

Argentina; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The "Iberoamerican Network for Research on School Change and Efficiency" RINACE unites national networks with the same focus in Latin America, Portugal and Spain. Its website provides information on RINACE's organisation, on the members of the national networks, on activities, research, three fulltext journals (Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en [...]

Belgium; ; Ireland; Italy; Portugal;
This report focuses on a comparison of findings from two EU-funded projects, EU Kids Online (2010) and Net Kids Go Mobile (2014), the latter of which concentrated on children's use of the internet via tablets and smartphones.

Belgium; ; Italy; ; Ireland; Portugal
The project was funded by the European Union to investigate children and their behaviour on the internet, particularly using mobile devices (smartphone, tablet). A final report was issued in 2014, which is available for download together with other material and reports.

Belgium; Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Canada; Luxemburg; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Portugal; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Turkey; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom; Japan; Finland; Australia; New Zealand; Mexico; Czechia; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Hungary; Poland; Slovakia; Chile; Slovenia; Israel; Estonia
This OECD-website lists international websites related to child well-being research. It differentiates between international organisations, european organisations, non-profit-organisations international research projects, ministries, governmental facilities, statistics agencies and universities.

Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Vatican City; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Moldova, Republic of; Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; North Macedonia; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; England; Northern Ireland; Scotland; Wales
This website is run by the "European Higher Education Area" and provides national reports on the status of the Bologna Process since 2003 from about 50 European countries. You can find the latest report at the top of the page of each member country. Older reports can be found at the bottom of the page in the menu bar on the right (under "related documents").[Abstract: Editors [...]

Europe; Belgium; Denmark; Estonia; Italy; Portugal; Turkey; United Kingdom
SENnet is a network for Special Educational Needs. It is funded by the European Union and co-ordinated by European Schoolnet. Under the category "resources", the website provides reports and case studies (partly as a video and from different countries), a list of digital learning resources for use in sepcial needs education, and materials and online courses (webinars) for [...]

Portugal; Spain; Germany; France; Belgium; Ireland; Italy; Norway; Switzerland; Australia; Mexico; Morocco; Brazil; Europe; international
SEEE (European Society for Ethnography of Education) is almost non-existent on the web. However, this article by the president of the society outlines the creation, the objectives and held conferences and informs about their Revue de la Société Européenne d'Ethnographie de l'Education (REEE). SEEE also uses a mailing list called ETNOEDU. The article appeared in: [...]

Brazil; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The Brazilian PISA Study is coordinated and conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP). On its website, INEP provides information on PISA in general, Brazilian PISA studies since the year 2000, on the Ibero-American PISA group and its joint report in 2006, the issues of the OECD publication "PISA in focus" in Portuguese, and [...]

Latin America; Spain; Portugal
FICOMUNDYT brings together Spanish and Portugueses speaking countries and researchers interested in giftedness. The website offers information on the organisation and a small bibliography of literature in Spanish and Portuguese. FICOMUNDYT also organises the Congreso Iberoamericano de Superdotación, Talento y Creatividad. Unfortunately, their newsletter is only available to [...]

Latin America; Caribbean; Argentina; Bolivia; Chile; Brazil; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Puerto Rico; Dominican Republic; Uruguay; Venezuela; Spain; Portugal; United States of America (USA); Germany; Caribbean
The Network of Virtual Libraries of Social Sciences of Latin-America and the Caribbean (CLASCO) has the objectives to promote and to facilitate the access to research results of the member centres of CLASCO. For this purpose, CLASCO has created a virtual library which grants free access to the different contents. CLASCO was founded by the libraries of the members of the [...]

Austria; Bulgaria; Croatia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Europe; Czechia; Russian Federation
The website provides short reports in English about the situation of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning for each of the member countries of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). The reports are structured as follows: Introduction Overview Politics and Law Future trends/key concerns/directions Structure overview Key Providers/Main [...]

Switzerland; Germany; Austria; Poland; France; Portugal; Hungary; Estonia; Lithuania; Finland; Japan; New Zealand; Philippines
In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool.

In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool. This [...]

Latin America; Chile; Argentina; Mexico; Spain; Portugal
The Latin-American Virtual Campus (CAVILA) is the establishment of a virtual space of higher education with the necessary teacher quality and research, to attain the common use of the scientific-technical asquisitions of each member university.

The website offers a small number of education statistics.

South America; Spain; Portugal; Central America
The web page informs about the Ibero-American Red of UNESCO Associated Schools. It supplies information about the aims and projects of the schools and the network. You can find a discussion forum, a chat and a directory of the member schools as well as information about participating countries and further networks. This project is coordinated by the Mexican National [...]

The web page informs about the ASPnet in Portugal. It supplies information about the aims and activities of the schools and the network, about membership and a list of all member schools.

This report on the situation of ICT in Portugal, published within the framework of the Insight web base on information and communication technology at schools, outlines action programmes and bodies responsible for respective strategies, objectives and implementation. While the school curricula are decentralised, certain recommendations apply to teaching ICT competencies and [...]

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Hungary; Ireland; Israel; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey
Insight, the web knowledge base for using information and communication technology at schools, offers this search option for country reports, accessible as full texts or summaries of varying dates. These country reports focus on the implementation of ICT at schools, the role of ICT in the curriculum, assessment of ICT competencies, provision of ICT resources and evaluation of [...]

Europe; Germany; France; Netherlands; Belgium; Austria; Finland; Greece; Denmark; Ireland; Iceland; Israel; Italy; Lithuania; Malta; Czechia; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Hungary; United Kingdom; Cyprus, Republic of; Estonia; Georgia; Latvia; Luxemburg; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovenia; Spain; Turkey
Founded in 1997, European Schoolnet is the network of 31 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. Its main goal is to support the use of and training in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at school and in education. It therefore provides various country intersectional projects and initiatives of ICT-based learning and teaching methods and promotes [...]

Europe; Austria; Canada; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Iceland; Ireland; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Slovenia; Sweden; United Kingdom
NORFACE - New Opportunities for Research Funding Co-operation in Europe - is a partnership between 18 research councils to increase co-operation in research and research policy in Europe. The fifteen partners involved are the research councils for the social sciences from Austria, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, [...]

This is the Education Portal of Portugal. Target group are above all teachers, students/pupils, and parents. A comprehensive navigation bar offers amongst others an access to school issues, interviews and votings, opinions, promotion of talents, educational technology, art, pedagogy and in particular educational legislation. The button "Legislão" leads to diverse core [...]

Europe; international; Albania; Andorra; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Kosovo; Croatia; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Sweden; Switzerland; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Czechia; Turkey; Ukraine; Hungary; Vatican City; United Kingdom; Cyprus, Republic of
Currently country informations for applicants to study abroad in a European country are only available in German. In order to get this service you have to choose a specific country. At the country page you will find the address of the regional bureau of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), cultural and educational information, a link list as well as information about [...]

Europe; international; Albania; Andorra; Austria; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Greenland; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; San Marino; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Russian Federation; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Vatican City; Turkey; Malta
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in Europe. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International Association of [...]

This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Portugal. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme getting [...]

international; Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Australia; Azerbaijan; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Brunei Darussalam; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Cape Verde; Central African Republic; Chad; Chile; China, People's Republic of; Colombia; Comoros; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Costa Rica; Côte d'Ivoire; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Estonia; Ethiopia; Fiji; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Grenada; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; Hong Kong; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kiribati; Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea); Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Laos; Latvia; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libya; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; North Macedonia; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Mali; Malta; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico; Mexico; Micronesia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Mongolia; Morocco; Mozambique; Montenegro; Myanmar; Namibia; Nauru; Nepal; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Norway; Palestinian Territories; Oman; Pakistan; Palau; Panama; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Romania; Russian Federation; Rwanda; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; San Marino; Sao Tome and Principe; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Serbia; Seychelles; Sierre Leone; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; Solomon Islands; Somalia; South Africa, Republic; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Suriname; Eswatini; Eswatini; Sweden; Switzerland; Syria; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Togo; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Tuvalu; Uganda; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States of America (USA); Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Vietnam; Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe
This page provides a country list with fact sheets on the Human Development Index (HDI). The index focuses on three measurable dimensions of human development: health, education and standard of living. The fact sheets are enriched by statistical comparable data on life expectancy, school enrolment, literacy, illiteracy rate, income and promotion of women and thereby allows a [...]

international; Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Canada; Croatia; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; North Macedonia; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Vatican City; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Lithuania; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Luxemburg; Malta; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Moldova, Republic of; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; United States of America (USA); Europe
The European gateway to recognition of academic and professional qualifications offers national profiles according to the following structure: National Information Centres, National education bodies, System of education, University education, Quality assurance, Post-secondary non-university education, Recognized higher education institutions, Policies and procedures for the [...]

This website contains links to 1) reports and statistics about research in Portugal (international comparisons, productivity of research, public budget and business investments), 2) publications, 3) databases about Portuguese doctoral theses, research projects in Portugal, R&D Institutions, Scientific Production (using science citation index) and other links, 4) program and [...]

Angola; Brazil; Cape Verde; Guinea-Bissau; Macau; Mozambique; Portugal; Sao Tome and Principe; Timor-Leste; international; China, People's Republic of
This is the website of the AULP(Associaçao des Universidades de Língua Portuguesa). It is an association of universities and other tertiary institutions with Portuguese as the language of instruction. The network has 140 full members, in eight countries, as well as ten associate members in four countries using the Internet as a communication platform. Through various [...]

The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training ( colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom; England; Scotland; Wales
The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education provides national overviews of special needs education in numerous European countries. The information includes the following topics: legal system, financing, identification of special educational needs, special needs education within the education system, teacher training, - basic and specialist teacher training, [...]

The Statistic Department of the Portuguese Ministry of Labour provides pdf-files on vocational education.

Egypt; Ethiopia; Algeria; Angola; Argentina; Australia; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Botswana; Brazil; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Chile; China, People's Republic of; Costa Rica; Denmark; Germany; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Eritrea; Estonia; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guatemala; Grenada; Greece; Guinea; Guyana; Haiti; India; Indonesia; Iraq; Iran; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Yemen; Jordan; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Kazakhstan; Qatar; Kenya; Colombia; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Croatia; Cuba; Kuwait; Laos; Lesotho; Latvia; Lebanon; Libya; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Madagascar; Maldives; Malawi; Malaysia; Mali; Malta; Morocco; Mauritania; North Macedonia; Mexico; Mongolia; Montenegro; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Nepal; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Netherlands; Niger; Nigeria; Norway; Oman; Austria; Pakistan; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Rwanda; Romania; Russian Federation; Zambia; Saudi Arabia; Sweden; Switzerland; Senegal; Serbia; Zimbabwe; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sri Lanka; Saint Lucia; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Sudan; South Africa, Republic; Suriname; Syria; Eswatini; Eswatini; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Trinidad and Tobago; Chad; Czechia; Turkey; Tunisia; Ukraine; Hungary; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; Vietnam; Central African Republic; Cyprus, Republic of; international
The PEER portal is obviously the successor to the earlier Unesco Country Dossiers (see the Internet Archive). In contrast to these, the PEER portal focuses more strongly on the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM) and on achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) "Quality Education". The country profiles contain the following topics: Overview, Inclusion, Financing [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Portugal was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

international; Asia; North America; South America; Central America; Africa; Europe; Japan; Indonesia; India; Hong Kong; Morocco; Tunisia; Sudan; South Africa, Republic; Mozambique; Kenya; Egypt; Algeria; Puerto Rico; Panama; Mexico; Guatemala; El Salvador; Canada; Venezuela; Peru; Ecuador; Colombia; Chile; Brazil; Bolivia; Argentina; Ukraine; Serbia; Switzerland; Sweden; Spain; Russian Federation; Romania; Portugal; Poland; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Lithuania; Kyrgyzstan; Italy; Hungary; Greece; Germany; France; Finland; Denmark; Czechia; Bulgaria; Belgium; Austria; Yemen; Vietnam; United Arab Emirates; Turkey; Thailand; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Singapore; Philippines; Pakistan; Oman; Nepal; Mongolia; Malaysia; Laos; Jordan; Israel; Iran; China, People's Republic of; Taiwan; Channel Islands; Caribbean; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom
TEFL stands for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language". This website offers information on the situation of teaching English in various countries.

Caribbean; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
OEI is an international organization of the Ibero-American countries which promotes the co-operation in the fields of education, science and culture and has a "governmental" character. Its aim is to advance an integrated development of the region in these matters. The website offers (see "que es la OEI?") information about the organizational structure, implemented activities [...]

Caribbean; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The institution is the information and documentation centre of OEI (see there), responsible for educational documentation in the Ibero-American countries. The website provides access to all information services: searching in the CREDI databases, selective dissemination of information, catalogue of new acquisitions of journals and monographs in the CREDI library, indexes of [...]

The National Library of Portugal provides the database PORBASE online, i.e.the national bibliography of Portugal. Additionally, there are links to international co-operation partners (see German abstract).

The first button of the navigation bar "Topicos Gerais" provides (as many other sites of Education Ministries) extensive overviews about all parts of the Portuguese education system, politics, statistics, laws etc. The other buttons lead to the departments of the Ministry and their activities and services; a school-year calendar is also shown.

The Centre is the documentation and information centre of the Institute of Educational Innovation. It collects and disseminates educational resources. These materials (monographs, journals, videos, software, slides, cassettes, CDs and CD-ROMs) are searchable through the bibliographical database EDUCbase.

Overview of the Portuguese higher education system, public and private universities, post-graduate studies, scholarships and funding, teaching personnel and higher education laws and regulations.

This web-site presents information about the activities and action fields of this department of the Education Ministry.

The homepage of the university provides an overview about history, organizational structure and faculties of the university and its courses, the degrees which can be obtained and the participation in programs of the European Union.

Belgium; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Switzerland; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Croatia; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Turkey; Europe; Austria
Eurydice (formerly Eurypedia and Eurybase) is a network of national units based in all countries of the Erasmus+ programme. [Its] task is to explain how education systems are organised in Europe and how they work. Eurydice publishes descriptions of national education systems, comparative reports devoted to specific topics, indicators and statistics, as well as news and [...]

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