All you need to know about education in Armenia
A selection of websites from our database is provided below concerning the following topics:
You will find further websites and literature on Armenia here:
- Websites on Armenia
- Literature on Armenia (German Education Research Portal)
Educational reports on and education statistics for Armenia
International Human Development Indicators - Country Profiles
international; Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Australia [...]
This page provides a country list with fact sheets on the Human Development Index (HDI). The index focuses on three measurable dimensions of human development: health, education and standard of living. The fact sheets are [...]
Education in Armenia
This full text offers a historical retrospective and an up-to-date overview on the development of education in Armenia. In particular it describes the reform process with significant decisions with regard to decentalization, language of teaching and structure of the education system. In this context also core problems and deficits in [...]
At a glance: Armenia
"At a glance: Armenia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to [...]
Education in Armenia
With this detailed article the Armenian embassy in the USA provides information about history, structure and funding of the Armenian education system. Further issues like special education, collecting statistics or the introduction of an education information system are discussed, too.
News worldwide
- Science at war: Ukraine and Russia research reposition themselves (DLF Kultur 11.07.24) [courtesy translation]
- #ETU4REF - ‘In and Through Education: Education Trade Unions support the inclusion of refugees and migrants’ (project 2023-2025)
- Reconstruction Ukraine: The importance of science, Interview Ursula Paintner, DAAD (DLF 11.06.24) [courtesy translation]
- The UK's withdrawal from Erasmus + has far-reaching consequences (DLF 10.06.24) [courtesy translation]