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91 bis 100
  • Practise English tenses with U2

    "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" Mit diesem Song der Band U2 lassen sich die englischen Zeitformen gut wiederholen. Durch das Anhören des Hits und das Mitlesen und Erarbeiten des Songtextes erfolgt eine intensive sprachliche Auseinandersetzung auf grammatischer und semantischer Ebene.

    { "LO": "DE:LO:de.lehrer-online.wm_002122" }

  • Senkrechte Asymptote berechnen, Beispiel 3 | A.16.01

    Man kann senkrechte Asymptoten berechnen, wenn man den Nenner Null setzt (sofern man einen Bruch und damit einen Nenner hat) oder in dem man das Argument (=das Innere der Klammer) von einem Logarithmus (sofern vorhanden) Null setzt.

    { "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00008900" }

  • Senkrechte Asymptote berechnen, Beispiel 1 | A.16.01

    Man kann senkrechte Asymptoten berechnen, wenn man den Nenner Null setzt (sofern man einen Bruch und damit einen Nenner hat) oder in dem man das Argument (=das Innere der Klammer) von einem Logarithmus (sofern vorhanden) Null setzt.

    { "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00008898" }

  • Barack Obama’s Speech on Race

    In this New York Times lesson, students share opinions and feedback about the speech on race delivered by Barack Obama on March 18, 2008. They then create a hypertext-annotated version of the speech that explains its historical and contemporary references and offers personal commentary (2008).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:267065" }

  • Domestic Downturns and Global Woes

    In this NYT lesson, students learn about the January, 2008, Federal Reserve emergency interest rate cut in the face of growing domestic economic trouble and global stock market instability. They then investigate some of the key terms and players involved to further contextualize the relationship between the United States and global markets (2008).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:267053" }

  • Of Budgets and Bargaining

    In Wisconsin und anderen Staaten kam es 2011 zu Gewerkschaftsprotesten gegen Sparpolitik und Einschränkung gewerkschaftlicher Rechte. Die New York Times-Unterrichtseinheit gibt Anregungen zu einer Fallanalyse über Bedeutung und Rechte von Gewerkschaften in den USA (2011-15).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1119953" }

  • Onward and Upward?

    In this New York Times lesson, students learn about the correlation between job growth and poverty. They investigate how national trends in economics, labor and commerce are playing out in their area and then go into the community to photograph and compile evidence. They present their findings in a class-wide project (2010).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1013049" }

  • Nowhere to Go but Up? Analyzing Economic Measures in a Downturn

    How do we know when the economy is in a recession? How do key economic indicators perform in a downturn? In this New York Times lesson, students create graphs of various economic measurements, using quantitative and qualitative reasoning skills to compare, contrast and correlate the performance of measures like gross domestic product, unemployment and personal ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1225070" }

  • Follow the Money

    In this New York Times lesson, students learn about how “super PACs” are influencing the 2012 presidential campaign. They then use a technique called “structured academic controversy” to debate whether or not wealthy individuals and organizations should be allowed to engage in unlimited spending to influence elections (2012).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1446214" }

  • Edward Snowden and Daniel Ellsberg

    Did Mr. Snowden the right thing? In this ʺText to Textʺ lesson plan, the New York Times' Learning Network pairs two articles that capture parallel moments in history to help  answer this question: Daniel Ellsberg’s surrender to the police in 1971 after leaking the Pentagon Papers, and Edward Snowden’s public admission in June that he leaked classified documents ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1687007" }

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