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Ariadne Pfad:


The Role of Higher Education Institutions: Recruitment of Elites and Economic Growth

h t t p s : / / w w w . r e s e a r c h g a t e . n e t / p u b l i c a t i o n / 5 0 0 1 8 5 4 _ T h e _ R o l e _ o f _ H i g h e r _ E d u c a t i o n _ I n s t i t u t i o n s _ R e c r u i t m e n t _ o f _ E l i t e s _ a n d _ E c o n o m i c _ G r o w t hExterner Link

The aim of this paper is to examine the evolution of recruitment of elites and to investigate the nature of the links between recruitment of elites and economic growth. The main change that occurred in the way the Western world trained its elites is that meritocracy became the basis for their recruitment. Although meritocratic selection should result in the best being chosen, we show that meritocratic recruitment actually leads to class stratification and auto-recruitment. We analyze the consequences of stratification resulting from meritocratic selection for the development of a country, and show that these consequences are dependent upon the type of technological changes occurring in the country.

Fach, Sachgebiet

Elite, Wirtschaftswachstum, economic growth, education, elites, meritocracy, recruitment, social mobility, stratification,

Bildungsbereich Hochschule
Ressourcenkategorie Artikel/Aufsatz/Bericht/Thesenpapier
Angaben zum Autor der Ressource / Kontaktmöglichkeit Brezis, Elise S.; Crouzet, François
Erstellt am 01.12.2004
Sprache Englisch
Rechte Keine Angabe, es gilt die gesetzliche Regelung
Zugang ohne Anmeldung frei zugänglich
Kostenpflichtig nein
Gehört zu URL https://‌
Entnommen aus CESifo working paper no. 1360. Category 5: Fiscal policy, macroeconomics and growth
Zuletzt geändert am 02.10.2019
Siehe auch: Linktipps zum Thema "Elite und Exzellenz" (Zeitschrift für Pädagogik – Heft 2/2009)

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