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Ariadne Pfad:


Conrads, Johannes; Rasmussen, Morten; Winters, Niall; Geniet, Anne; Langer, Laurenz

Digital education policies in Europe and beyond.

Key design principles for more effective policies.

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"This report offers policy-makers in digital education evidence on how, at the national or regional level, policies can be designed and implemented to foster digital-age learning. The presented findings are the result of a mixed methodological design comprising four parts: desk-research on digital education policy, the identification of national and regional policies worldwide, six in-depth case studies, and an expert workshop. The discussion of the cases identified and studied in depth leads to the formulation of eight core-guiding principles, which can serve as a reference point for policy-makers for the design and implementation of digital education policies: 1. Follow a holistic approach targeting systemic change; 2. Establish both a long-term vision and short-term achievable goals; 3. Deploy technology as a means not an end; 4. Embrace experimentation, risk-taking and failure; 5. Consider the importance and the limits of impact assessment; 6. Involve all stakeholders in a structured dialogue; 7. Let schools and teachers have a say; 8. Build up teaching competence." [Abstract: Site editor's information].


Fallstudie, Digitale Medien, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, Medienpädagogik, Neue Technologien, Bildungspolitik, Internationaler Vergleich, Entscheidungsträger, Implementierung, Richtlinien, Australien, Estland, Europa, Irland, Kanada, Malaysia, Polen,

Reihe JRC Science for Policy report
Beigaben Illustrationen
Sprache englisch
Dokumenttyp Monographie
ISSN 1831-9424
ISBN 978-92-79-77246-7
DOI 10.2760/462941
Siehe auch: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten

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