Education Systems International
This page belongs to database Education Systems International.
Associations en FLES - english information
The page "Métiers du FLE" (French as a Foreign Language professions) lists organisations and networks on French as a foreign language. You can find the following societies, among others:
* Association Rhénane des Enseignants de Français Langue Etrangère (AREFLE)
* Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français (FIPF)
* ASsociation de DIdactique du Français Langue Etrangère (ASDIFLE)
* Campus FLE - Réseau des centers universitaires de FLE
[Summary: Editors of Education Worldwide]
second foreign language; multilingualism; foreign languages; teaching of foreign languages; language teaching; bilingualism; teaching of French; language of instruction; first foreign language; language acquisition; international organisation; teachers organisation; network; society; occupational field; occupation; Französisch als Fremdsprache / French as a second language; Sprachdidaktik / language didactics; Sprachforschung / Linguistics;
Resource type: | Overview |
Language: | French |
URL (original): | |
Source / author of the website: | Université de Strasbourg / Département de Linguistique Appliquée et de Didactique des Langues |
Country of origin of the resource: | France; |
Record-ID: | 9147 |
Update: | 24.07.2024 |
Thematic context
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