Education Systems International
This page belongs to database Education Systems International.
Chapitres „La scolarisation des élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés“ (dans: "Repères et références statistiques", Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la jeunesse) - english information
In its annual publication on education statistics, the French Ministry of Education also provides a sub-chapter on the enrolment of newly arrived foreign-language pupils in France ("La scolarisation des élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés"), usually in Chapter 1 "Le système éducatif".
The 2023 edition is not yet included in the list linked here (as of April 2024) and is therefore linked separately. There is also an interactive version for this edition. [Summary: Editors of Education Worldwide]
second foreign language; multilingualism; foreign languages; teaching of foreign languages; language teaching; bilingualism; language of instruction; teaching of French; language policy; statistical data; education statistics; Französisch als Fremdsprache / French as a second language; Sprachforschung / Linguistics; Sprachdidaktik / language didactics;
Resource type: | Overview |
Language: | French |
URL (original): | |
Source / author of the website: | Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance (DEPP); Ministère de l’Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse (France) |
Country of origin of the resource: | France; |
Record-ID: | 9120 |
Update: | 23.04.2024 |
Thematic context
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