Education Systems International
This page belongs to database Education Systems International.
International Web Accessibility Laws and Policies - english information
The author of the blog compiles information on Web Accessibility laws and policies in more than 20 countries worldwide. For each country you will find information on the respective discrimination law/policy (because of disability) and on laws/policies concerning communication etc. The name of the law is mentioned and the author gives a short comment. Unfortunately, there are no links to the original documents. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
assistance for the handicapped; disabilities; promotion of disadvantaged persons; use of media; new media; educational technology; new technologies; access to education; general guideline; legal basis; Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) / Information and Communication Technology (ICT); Inklusion / inclusion; Digitalisierung / digitalisation; Web 2.0; Internetportal; Gesetzgebung / legislation; Verordnung / decree; Behindertenrechtskonvention / UN Disability Rights Convention; Weltkarte / worldmap; Barrierefreiheit / Accessibility;
Resource type: | Overview |
Language: | English |
URL (original): | |
Source / author of the website: | Bigby, Garenne; Dynomapper v4.0 |
Country of origin of the resource: | international; |
Record-ID: | 8990 |
Update: | 31.03.2021 |
Thematic context
- Websites on digitisation & inclusion worldwide sorted by source type
- Websites on digitisation & inclusion worldwide sorted by topic
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