Education Systems International
This page belongs to database Education Systems International.
lingua e nuova didattica (lend) - english information
LEND is an association of languages teachers founded in 1971. It has carried out numerous studies and training activities in the field of languages education and, in doing so, has contributed to the development of the Italian education system. Its proactive approach is best illustrated by its journal LEND, by the Libri della Collana LEND, through its national conferences and the Portonovo conference. The Association operates throughout Italy by means of a network of local groups, each with its own structure. LEND has also played a part in making accessible important EU documents on school and language policy and has participated in European projects as either partner or coordinator.
language acquisition; didactics; foreign languages; teacher education; education system; network; language policy; coordination;
Resource type: | Institution/Organisation/Association |
Language: | Italian |
URL (original): | |
Record-ID: | 7074 |
Update: | 24.08.2011 |
Thematic context
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