Education Systems International
This page belongs to database Education Systems International.
Institut de recherche et de Documentation Pédagogique (irdp) - english information
The IRDP (Institut de Recherche et de Documentation Pédagogique), is an institute dedicated to research and pedagogical documentation and an institution of the CIIP (Intercantonal Conference of Public Education in French and Italian speaking parts of Switzerland). The Institute is principally in charge of coordinating and leading education research in French speaking Switzerland. It supports the activities of the CIIP with experts´ reports and with its scientific investigations, conducts research projects or takes part in them.
educational research; regional centre; research centre; information centre; coordination;
Resource type: | Institution/Organisation/Association |
Language: | French |
URL (original): | |
Record-ID: | 266 |
Update: | 17.09.2019 |
Thematic context
News worldwide
- Trump chooses wrestling manager as Secretary of Education (Forschung & Lehre 11.12.24) [courtesy translation]
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- What impact could Trump have on US education? (DW 22.11.24)
- New dossier on international education reporting