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Statistics of European organisations

Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Beside statistical data on all areas of education Eurostat particularly provides statistics for the monitoring of the social [...]

Cedefop´s work on statistics and indicators supports and contributes to statistical developments at European and international levels to improve the relevance and quality of data as well as methods and tools for data collection. Cedefop´s statistics and indicators work also aims to support evidence based policy and practice in [...]

A collection of statistics, data and indicators on education in 31 European countries. The search result offers all publications of the "Key data" series. The publications are available for download in serveral languages.

Bibliographical references of the ´Key Data on Education´ by Eurydice in the German Education Index.

Theory and methodology

The Adult Education Survey (AES) is a household survey which is part of the EU Statistics on lifelong learning. People living in private households are interviewed about their participation in education and training activities (formal, non-formal and informal learning). The target population of the survey is composed of people aged 25 to 64. The survey takes place every five [...]

A  report  on adult education statistics in Europe.

Geboten wird ein Überblick über die vergleichbaren Statistiken zu Bildung, Ausbildung und Kompetenzen, die auf europäischer und internationaler Ebene verfügbar sind. Ziel ist, den Blick für fehlende Schlüsseldaten zu schärfen und die verfügbaren Datenquellen sowie deren Potenziale und Grenzen transparenter zu machen. (2005)

A strong evidence-base and solid analyses are key elements for informed policy discussions and policy developments in education and training. The European Commission draws on a range of sources, including key benchmarks and indicators, studies, international surveys, and secondary analyses, to ensure that this approach is properly included in the implementation of the [...]

Last Update: 19.09.2011  -

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