All you need to know about education in Jordan
A selection of websites from our database is provided below concerning the following topics:
- Springe zu: Overviews of the education system in Jordan
- Springe zu: Ministries responsible for education and science in Jordan
- Springe zu: Educational reports on and education statistics for Jordan
You will find further websites and literature on Jordan here:
- Websites on Jordan
- Literature on Jordan (German Education Research Portal)
Overviews of the education system in Jordan
Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews (PEER) - Unesco Education Profiles
Egypt; Ethiopia; Algeria; Angola; Argentina; Australia; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium [...]
The PEER portal is obviously the successor to the earlier Unesco Country Dossiers (see the Internet Archive). [...]
Ministries responsible for education and science in Jordan
Ministry of Education
The English version does not provide active links for all of the issues which the homepage shows. Accessible are: the Directorate of Examinations, the Capacity Building Project in Management of Qualitative Development of Education Services, a text on e-learning and one on ICT use in education. Furthermore, there is one about the "Vision [...]
Educational reports on and education statistics for Jordan
The Road Not Traveled : Education Reform in the Middle East and North Africa (2008)
Algeria; Bahrain; Egypt; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Oman; Palestinian Territories [...]
World Bank report on the progress of education reforms in the MENA countries (Middle East and North Africa), as of 2008.
Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews (PEER) - Unesco Education Profiles
Egypt; Ethiopia; Algeria; Angola; Argentina; Australia; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium [...]
The PEER portal is obviously the successor to the earlier Unesco Country Dossiers (see the Internet Archive). [...]
International Human Development Indicators - Country Profiles
international; Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Australia [...]
This page provides a country list with fact sheets on the Human Development Index (HDI). The index focuses on three measurable dimensions of human development: health, education and standard of living. The fact sheets are [...]
Global Employment Trends for Youth
Eastern Europe; Europe; East Asia; South-East Asia; Pacific Rim; South Asia; South America; Caribbean; Central Europe [...]
This report is published by the International Labour Organization (ILO). It offers a comparative overview on the labour market situation for young people worldwide. The focus is to detect reasons for youth unemployment [...]
News worldwide
- Science at war: Ukraine and Russia research reposition themselves (DLF Kultur 11.07.24) [courtesy translation]
- #ETU4REF - ‘In and Through Education: Education Trade Unions support the inclusion of refugees and migrants’ (project 2023-2025)
- Reconstruction Ukraine: The importance of science, Interview Ursula Paintner, DAAD (DLF 11.06.24) [courtesy translation]
- The UK's withdrawal from Erasmus + has far-reaching consequences (DLF 10.06.24) [courtesy translation]