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Annus, Tiina; u.a.

Report on the vocational education and training system in Estonia.

The 1990s were a very important period in Estonian history, bringing along many changes in the society, economy and social sphere, which have induced the need to further reorganise and develop the vocational education and training (VET) system. The objective of the VET system must be attractive, flexible, accessible, relevant, efficient and of high quality. In order to reach the objective it is necessary to: 1. change the mentality and attitudes of the people according to the lifelong learning principles; 2. direct the society's, government's and employer's attention to the opportunities of vocational education and training; 3. support innovation in order to improve the training quality; 4. increase the efficiency of vocational education and training institutions and 5. optimise the use of available resources (teacher, time, money, buildings, equipment). (DIPF/Orig.).


Education system, Educational reform, Educational program, International cooperation, Socioeconomic position, Vocational Education, Vocational education and training, Vocational Education, Unemployment, Labor market, Labour market research, Labor market policy, Occupations, Initial vocational training, Vocational counseling, Statistics, further education course, Life-long learning, Modernization, Vocational education teachers, Estonia,

Quelle Torino: ETF (2001), 107 S.
Series National Observatory of Estonia
Beigaben Tabellen
Language englisch
Document type Monographie

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