Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: STUDIERENDER)

Es wurden 158 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • PISA 2000: Zusammenfassung zentraler Befunde

    PISA steht für „Programme for International Student Assessment“ – ein Programm zur zyklischen Erfassung basaler Kompetenzen der nachwachsenden Generation, das von der Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) durchgeführt und von allen Mitgliedsstaaten gemeinschaftlich getragen und verantwortet wird. Primäre Aufgabe des Programms ist es, den ...

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:14265" }

  • Teaching Strategies

    Student-centered teaching strategies that nurture students' literacy and critical thinking skills within a respectful classroom climate. The strategies suggested here can be used with students of all ages with any academic content (Facing History and Ourselves 2011-20) 

    { "HE": [] }

  • Animal Farm - study guide

    sehr ausführliches Skript (Student's Book)  This module is designed to provide students with reading and listening practice. It contains many reading exercises and activities as well as many group discussion questions. Students will be able to practice group speaking and reading as well as have a better understanding of new words and definitions. There are also many ...

    { "HE": [] }

  • Fundamental Determinants of School Efficiency and Equity: German States as a Microcosm for OECD Countries

    Cross-country evidence on student achievement might be hampered by omitted country characteristics such as language or legal differences. This paper (42 p.) uses cross-state variation in Germany, whose sixteen states share the same language and legal system, but pursue different education policies. The same results found previously across countries hold within Germany: Higher ...

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:38149" }

  • Podcast "Homeschooling hautnah" Folge 5: Student für das Berufsschullehramt aus Mainz

    In der fünften Ausgabe des Podcasts "Homeschooling hautnah" berichtet ein Student für das Berufsschullehramt an der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, wie die Umstellung zu digitalem Lernen im Studium ablief und wie an seiner Praktikumsschule mit dem Lockdown umgegangen wurde.

    { "LO": "DE:LO:de.lehrer-online.ar_1001836" }

  • Teaching Strategies

    Student-centered teaching strategies that nurture students’ literacy and critical thinking skills within a respectful classroom climate. The strategies suggested here can be used with students of all ages with any academic content (Facing History and Ourselves 2011) 

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1094337" }

  • Berufsbildungs-PISA

    Das Programme for International Student Assessment, kurz PISA, ist als Leistungsstudie für den Schulbereich bekannt. Die OECD entwickelt unter Bezugnahme auf die Abeiten der deutschen Berufsbildungsforschung und der BMBF-Kompetenzforschungsinitiative ASCOT die Grundlagen für eine internationale Kompetenzmessung in der Berufsausbildung (engl. PISA VET). Die Förderung des ...

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:64253" }

  • Daily Writing Tips (Blog)

    ʺWhether you are an attorney, manager or student, writing skills are essential to your success. The rise of the information age – with the proliferation of emails, blogs and social networks – makes the ability to write clear, correct English more important than ever. Daily Writing Tips is about that. Every day we publish a new article, with topics ranging from grammar to ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2836905" }

  • Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics

    This booklet summarizes the mathematics chapter from the Handbook of research on improving student achievement, second edition, published by the Educational Research Service. The Handbook is based on the idea that, in order to succeed, efforts to improve instruction must focus on the existing knowledge base in respect of effective teaching and learning. [...] The practices ...

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:36440" }

  • Mathematics Assessment Project

    What are the best ways to assess student learning in mathematics? The University of California at Berkeley and the Shell Center for Mathematics Education at the University of Nottingham have created a wealth of resources to help mathematics instructors engage in both formative and summative assessments (USA 2017-19).

    { "HE": [] }

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