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Es wurden 27 Einträge gefunden

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  • cubamusic is an independent, commercial and cultural publishing iniative, without any political purpose

    { "HE": "DE:HE:110096" }

  • Life Sciences Education

    The Life Sciences Education journal (American Society for Cell Biology) started publishing peer-reviewed articles in spring 2002 at the K-12, undergraduate, and graduate levels (2011).?

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1295183" }

  • Science News for Students

    Publishing daily news stories for young science enthusiasts, the online magazine brings age-appropriate, topical science news to learners, parents, and educators. (USA 2020)

    { "HE": [] }

  • Worldwide Center for Math

    The mathematics publishing company Worldwide Center for Math offers a number of instructional videos related to upper-level mathematics, including algebra, trigonometry, and precalculus (YouTube 2018).

    { "HE": [] }

  • For the Sake of Argument

    This New York Times lesson offers suggestions on how to guide students through the writing process when writing editorials — from brainstorming a topic to publishing their work (2014).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1725925" }

  • NewsOnline - Eine Schülerzeitung mit Primolo

    Wie sich eine digitale Schülerzeitung mit Hilfe des Webseiten-Generators Primolo kinderleicht realisieren lässt, erfahren Sie in diesem Bericht.; Lernressourcentyp: Unterrichtsplanung; Mindestalter: 6; Höchstalter: 9

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:52410" }

  • Zeitreise mit Primolo

    Die Schulkinder interviewen ältere Menschen und präsentieren die Zeitzeugenberichte mit Primolo.; Lernressourcentyp: Unterrichtsidee; Projekt / Projektidee; Mindestalter: 6; Höchstalter: 9

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:53155" }

  • Short Story aus einem Glückskeks

    In dieser Sequenz erarbeiten die Schülerinnen und Schüler in Gruppenarbeit eine Kurzgeschichte, deren Basis die "Prophezeiung" aus einem chinesischen Glückskeks ist.; Lernressourcentyp: Lernmaterial; Projekt / Projektidee; Unterrichtsplanung; Mindestalter: 10; Höchstalter: 14

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:53756" }

  • Documenting the American South

    Digital publishing initiative that provides Internet access to texts, images, and audio files related to southern history, literature, and culture. Currently DocSouth includes sixteen thematic collections of books, diaries, posters, artifacts, letters, oral history interviews, and songs (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018).

    { "HE": [] }

  • Ben's guide to U.S. Government

    ʺBen's Guide to the U.S. Government, a service of the Government Publishing Office (GPO), is designed to inform students, parents, and educators about the Federal Government, which issues the publications and information products disseminated by the GPO’s Federal Depository Library Program. It is our hope that Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government fulfills that role.ʺ ...

    { "HE": [] }

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