Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: INTRODUCTION) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE I")

Es wurden 34 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • Introduction to economics

    Basic introduction to what microeconomics and macroeconomics study (USA, Khan Academy 2017).

    { "HE": [] }

  • The Market (A Short Introduction)

    POLECULE - Beispielaufgabe

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  • Introduction to Ancient Greek History

    Introductory course in Greek history by Donald Kagan (Yale) tracing the development of Greek civilization as manifested in political, intellectual, and creative achievements from the Bronze Age to the end of the classical period (2011). ?

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1160441" }

  • An Introduction to Parliament

    Das 8-Minuten-Video erklärt das Zwei-Kammern-System in Großbritannien (2018).

    { "HE": [] }

  • Grammatik - mit Hördateien

    Eher traditioneller Grammatiküberblick mit Hördateien.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1009134" }

  • The Age of Enlightenment

    Web museum for intermediate level English Learners that can be used to review or provide an introduction to the ideas of the key philosophers.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:288040" }

  • A DIY Groundwater Model

    The lesson provides an introduction to groundwater hydrology with helpful diagrams and a downloadable worksheet to check students' understanding (USA 2019).

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  • John Maynard Keynes

    This introduction to Keynes' theory and its background takes 10 minutes (UK 2019).

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  • George Orwell: Introduction to Animal Farm

    The novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell is an allegory for the Russian Revolution.  Your task will be to search various internet resources to answer questions about George Orwell and the Russian Revolution.  Since Animal Farm is an allegory, and based off of real events and real people, your task will also be to research who, and what happened so that you can understand ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1801377" }

  • Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act (U.K.)

    Dieses 2010 verabschiedete Gesetz regelt Parteienfinanzierung, Wahlen und Referenden in Großbritannien ( 2015-21)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2882105" }

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