Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: ENVIRONMENT) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE I") ) und (Lernressourcentyp: UNTERRICHTSPLANUNG)

Es wurden 16 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • Economics, Water Use, and the Environment

    These lessons use economic reasoning to suggest a new way to think about our use of the resource water. In brief, the lessons assert: (1) that in economic terms, water is not fundamentally different from any other resource, good, or service; and (2) that many of the answers to our concerns about water conservation and water quality can be found in markets, the same institution ...

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  • The Economics of Recycling

    Students will review the legislation in Japan that requires all consumers to pay a fee for recycling large appliances.

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  • Talking about statistics and climate change

    Schülerinnen und Schüler erlernen in dieser Unterrichtseinheit neue Redemittel zur Besprechung von Statistiken und setzen sich gleichzeitig unter Verwendung der Seite mit dem Klimawandel auseinander (2015).

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  • Earth Overshoot Day: Classroom Activities

    Der Earth Overshoot Day, auch „Erdüberlastungstag“ genannt, ist in einer jährlichen Kampagne der Organisation Global Footprint Network ein bestimmter Tag des Jahres, an dem die menschliche Nachfrage an natürlichen Ressourcen die Kapazität der Erde zur Reproduktion dieser Ressourcen in diesem Jahr übersteigt. (2017)

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  • Global Temperature Change

    Students use climate statistics for a problem-solving and decisionmaking process (2023).

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  • Externalities Video Series and Quiz

    Students study positive and negative externalities, how they pose a challenge to markets, and some of the solutions that have been proposed (USA: EconEd 2019).

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  • Visualizing Climate Change

    These lesson ideas challenge students to create and evaluate visual representations of climate change to more effectively interpret and share some of the world’s most critical information (USA: Pulitzer Center 2018).

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  • Future of Food

    What are the environmental and human costs underlying our current food consumption habits? This essential question is at the crux of this lesson plan (USA 2019).

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  • New Sense, Inc. vs. Fish Till U Drop, or Coase vs. Pigou

    Hot debate and arguments galore whirl around this question: ”Which economic approach is the most efficient and fair to resolve utility issues surrounding the use of common or public property?” This lesson will explore, examine and analyze this perplexing question by engaging in an open-ended role play simulation. (EconEd 2005)

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  • A DUCK`S BILL ON CAPITOL HILL?: Taking a Stand on Wildlife Conservation Legislation

    In this lesson, students examine the positions of various parties on proposed federal ecosystem conservation legislation, including private property owners, legislators, and conservationists, in order to represent their perspectives in a class discussion. (NY Times Lesson 2005)

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