Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: ECONOMY) und (Schlagwörter: THE) ) und (Schlagwörter: ECONOMIC)

Es wurden 6 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 6
  • Economic Principles: How the Economic Machine Works

    This site established by Ray Dalio attempts to educate readers about the nature of domestic and global economies. The flagship media piece on the site is a 30-minute explication of how Dalio understands the economy, using a simple machine metaphor to explain the basic driving forces of the economy, to analyze what leads to ups and downs in the economy, and to define such basic ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2918421" }

  • How Germany’s Economy Made The Greatest Economic Comeback

    The German economy is the fourth largest in the world, posting the largest export surplus (USA 2020).

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  • Economic Data Lesson: Economic Policy Options

    This is the final lesson in a series of lessons that introduces students to the economic data that economists use to assess the health of the economy. (USA: EconEd 2020)

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  • Nowhere to Go but Up? Analyzing Economic Measures in a Downturn

    How do we know when the economy is in a recession? How do key economic indicators perform in a downturn? In this New York Times lesson, students create graphs of various economic measurements, using quantitative and qualitative reasoning skills to compare, contrast and correlate the performance of measures like gross domestic product, unemployment and personal ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1225070" }

  • What Are the Economic Functions of Government?

    Governments provide the legal and social framework for the economy of a nation. Citizens, interests groups, and political leaders disagree on how large the scope of government should be. (National Council on Economic Education, USA 2005-20)

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  • The Economic Impact of the Crisis

    Students will be able to: Explain the immediate universal impact the virus had on our economy and way of life / Understand that a significant number of American households were distressed financially before the pandemic / Recognize that the recovery from the pandemic has been very disparate creating different experiences along multiple demographic and economic lines (USA: ...

    { "HE": [] }

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[ allgemeinbildende Schulen [ Crisis [ bilingualer Unterricht [ Universitäten [ UGS [ Technischer Zeichner [ Technischer Produktdesigner [ Technische Hochschulen [ Technikunterricht [ Technikerschulen [ Techniker [ Technik Unterricht [ Teamcenter [ TU [ Praxisorientierte Fächer [ PLMVIM