Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: CHILDREN) und (Systematikpfad: "SPRACHE, SPRACHLICHE FERTIGKEITEN, KOMPETENZEN")

Es wurden 5 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 5
  • 20 Beautiful Autumn Poems For Kids To Fall For

    ʺLeaves fall, a cool breeze whispers a natural song, and the clear sky looks bright with soothing sun rays. The most-awaited season, autumn continues until the first snow covers the landscape. This season is loved by children as the sky turns clear and brighter. Several poets have written and composed poems on the beauty of autumn. Enjoy the pleasant and peaceful season with ...

    { "HE": [] }

  • Weather Wiz Kidz

    A wonderful educational website for teachers and parents to give them the right tools to explain the different types of weather to children - and for kids to allow them to learn more about the fascinating world of weather.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1568079" }

  • A Job Fair (Worksheets)

    Hinweis: Anmeldung erforderlich. ʺHold a job fair in your classroom! Teach your students about the various jobs types and how each person can contribute to society in a different way. Children also brainstorm about what kinds of job they'd like to have.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2785784" }

  • Enchanted Learning

    ʺEnchanted Learning produces children's educational web sites and games which are designed to capture the imagination while maximizing creativity, learning, and enjoyment. Site members have full access to an ad-free, print-friendly version of the site.ʺ (Quelle: Anbieter)

    { "HE": [] }

  • Play & Learn: English

    Das bietet einen Einstieg in die englische Sprache für Kinder im Vorschul- und Grundschulalter. Vorgestellt werden die Buchstaben des Alphabets sowie Farben, Formen und Zahlen. Ein ähnliches Angebot besteht für die Sprachen Deutsch, Französisch und Spanisch.

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:35811" }

Vorschläge für alternative Suchbegriffe:

[ Englisch [ Child [ vocabulary [ literature [ language learning [ foreign language learning [ enviromental education [ easy learning [ climate change [ Wortschatz [ Vereinte Nationen [ United Nations [ Umwelterziehung [ Umweltbildung [ Umwelbildung [ Sprachförderung