Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: ATMOSPH��RE) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE II") ) und (Quelle: "Bildungsserver Hessen")

Es wurden 15 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • Life in Elizabethan England

    More than 88 pages of insight into everyday life in Tudor England - food, occupations, games, pastimes, religion, fashion, manners, attitudes, and education in the time of Queen Elizabeth I and Shakespeare. A unique reference for writers, students, actors, re-enactors, and Renaissance enthusiasts, written by Maggie Secara and designed for the Web by Paula Kate ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1759458" }

  • Global Commodities

    This project from the financial news center DailyFX provides ʺa re-imagined 3D globe where the heights of countries rise and fall to show the import and export levels of a range of commoditiesʺ (USA 2020).

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  • Wie viel (Re-)Urbanisierung durchzieht das Land?

    Hält die Reurbanisierung in Deutschland an oder ist ein Ende des Wachstums der Großstädte erreicht? In die vielen, teils widersprüchlichen Meldungen bringt diese Untersuchung Ordnung über eine differenzierte Auswertung verschiedener Indikatoren, die die aktuellen Prozesse der Re- und Suburbanisierung quantifizieren. Von wenigen Regionen abgesehen findet auch aktuell ...

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  • The Price of Privacy: Re-Evaluating the NSA

    A debate between General Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and NSA, and Dr. David Cole, Georgetown professor of constitutional law. With the prompting and critical questioning of CBS News chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett, both participants debated the constitutionality of the NSA, and the appropriate balance between personal privacy and national security ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1760664" }

  • Demography Is Destiny?

    This New York Times lesson uses The Times to investigate important global demographic trends today, and to consider what these trends might and might not mean for the future (2016).

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  • The Plays

    Most online public domain versions of Shakespeare's texts are based on the Globe Edition of 1866, the Gutenberg Edition, or the MIT/Moby Edition (a revised version of the Globe Edition). There are many inconsistencies and errors in these editions so they are considered less-authoritative and poor for study. Alternatively, there are several quality editions of ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:850948" }

  • What causes earthquakes?

    The National Geographic explains where earthquakes usually take place and how they're measured (2023).

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  • Altsteinzeit: Eine ungewöhnliche Pferdejagd

    Die prähistorischen Speere im niedersächsischen Schöningen sind die ältesten vollständigen Jagdwaffen der Menschheit. Angebot des Landesbildungsservers BaWü

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  • Methodenpool - nicht nur für den Englischunterricht

    Die konstruktiven Methoden des Methodenpools sollen helfen, das Lehren und Lernen möglichst lernerwirksam und handlungsorientierend zu gestalten. Konstruktive Methoden betonen dabei vor allem die konstruktive, re- und dekonstruktive Seite des Lehrens und Lernens.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2786352" }

  • Cold War Dare

    You're the President! This strategy game about presidential decision-making is set in the epochal years of 1989 and 1990. As Poland legalizes Solidarity, as the Berlin Wall falls, as people in every country take to the streets seeking greater freedom and human rights, the world is changing. (USA: George H. W. Bush Presidential Library Center 2016-20)

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