Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: CAMPAIGN) und (Lernressourcentyp: PORTAL)

Es wurden 6 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 6
  • International Campaign for Tibet

    Die International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) ist eine international tätige Menschenrechtsorganisation (2023). 

    { "HE": [] }

  • Cómo puedes controlar tú el cambio climático?

     Comisión Europea 

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1065150" }

  • Corporate Europe Observatory

    CEO is a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the privileged access and influence enjoyed by corporations and their lobby groups in EU policy making (2022).

    { "HE": [] }

  • Campaigns & Elections

    Dossier der Brookings Institution, einem liberalen Thinktank, mit Medienberichten und wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen zum Thema ʺWahlkämpfe und Wahlenʺ (USA 2018)

    { "HE": [] }

  • RepresentUs

    RepresentUs is a nonprofit organization founded in November 2012 that advocates for state and local laws based on model legislation called the American Anti-Corruption Act. It is a proposal to overhaul lobbying, transparency, and campaign finance laws (USA 2021).

    { "HE": [] }

  • Federal Election Commission

    The duties of the FEC, which is an independent regulatory agency, are to disclose campaign finance information, to enforce the provisions of the law such as the limits and prohibitions on contributions, and to oversee the public funding of Presidential elections (2020).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:783763" }

Vorschläge für alternative Suchbegriffe:

[ refugee [ Sek I [ prosecution [ procurement [ politics [ asylum [ action [ Wirtschaft [ Politischer Unterricht [ Politische Erziehung [ Politische Bildung [ Politik [ Menschenrechte [ Gesellschaft [ Folter [ Asyl