Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: THESE) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE II")

Es wurden 124 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • Teach About Climate Change

    ... with these 24 New York Times graphs. They suggest strategies for helping students analyze what they see (2019).

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  • There’s Something Funny About These Candidates

    In this NY Times lesson, students learn about the power of caricature to reinforce and/or create media images of politicians and public figures by analyzing political cartoons and spoofs from the past and present (2008-15).

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  • Within these Walls ...

    Amerikanische Geschichte anhand von 5 Familien in einem Haus in Neu-England (Smithonian 2008-20)

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  • Vaccine Mandates: Yea or Nay?

    These teaching resources tackle the debate regarding mandatory vaccinations (2022).

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  • Open Textbook Library

    These textbooks have been funded, published, and licensed to be freely used, and distributed (USA 2019).

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  • Teaching the Cold War

    What was the cold war? How did it shape history? How are we still seeing its echoes today? These Learning Network lesson plans and other materials  help students answer these questions by going beyond the textbook and working with original Times reporting, photojournalism and essays (The New York Times 2013-15).

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  • Good Calculators

    This website is dedicated to providing a reliable collection of freely available calculators ʺfor domestic and commercial use.ʺ The majority of these calculators have been developed by the team behind this website, who describe themselves as ʺfervent IT professionals.ʺ Visitors can browse these calculators by category, which include engineering calculators, statistics and ...

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  • Die ambivalente Wirkmacht der Worte

    Vanessa Wintermantel vertritt die These, dass das liberale Verständnis der Sprache als rationale politische Kraft der intersubjektiven Verständigung einseitig und unvollständig ist (WZB-Mitteilungen Nr.176 / 2022).

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  • Developing Strong Thesis Statements

    These resources will help students develop and refine the arguments (USA: The Writing Lab at Purdue University,  2011-20).

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  • Debating Our Destiny

    Take a closer look behind the past 48 years of presidential debates by reading background essays or viewing video clips of these meetings (PBS, USA 2008).

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