Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: POLITICS) und (Quelle: "Bildungsserver Hessen") ) und (Lernressourcentyp: UNTERRICHTSPLANUNG)

Es wurden 63 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • NSA Surveillance & the Politics of Whistleblowing

    Edward Snowden's leak of classified information about the NSA's surveillance of American citizens has touched off a debate about the need for government secrecy versus the public’s right to know. Two student readings and discussion questions probe the controversy (TeachableMoment USA 2013).

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  • EU Learning: World Issues and Politics

    This site has been designed for Canadian secondary school students, but it can be useful for teaching German students as well (Canada: Carleton University Ottawa 2019).

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  • International Trade

    Numerous lessons explore international trade (EconEd 2006-19)

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  • The Role of Persuasion in Global Politics

    This unit focuses on developing countries, the establishment and mission of the United Nations, and the UN's current role and responsibility to developing nations around the globe as elaborated in the Millennium Development Goals of 2000 (Yale National Initiative 2011-22)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1185435" }

  • Democracy in Theory and Practice

    The twelve units range from concerns with electoral politics in the U.S. (partly prompted by the election year 2008), to constitutional politics and the founding, to the impact of the media (including the internet) on US democracy, to democratic politics as viewed through and influenced by literature, to the enfranchisement of marginalized groups, and specific policy issues ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1185438" }

  • Why nations should pursue ʺsoftʺ power

    India is fast becoming a superpower, says Shashi Tharoor -- not just through trade and politics, but through ʺsoftʺ power. He argues that in the long run it's not the size of the army that matters as much as a country's ability to influence the world's hearts and minds (TED Talk Lesson 2015-17).

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  • Economic Globalization

    Das Wochenschau-Heft von 2017 geht der Frage nach, ob ökonomische Globalisierung zum Abbau von Armut beiträgt und inwiefern sie zu globalen Wohlstandsgewinnen führt (2022). 

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  • Managing conflict in Europe in times of Change: 1648–1945

    Students learn how and why conflict was managed in Europe 1648-1945 (Historiana 2023). 

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  • Foreign Policy

    In this lesson, students learn what foreign policy is, discover the agencies who execute it, and examine how the legislative and executive branches sometimes clash (USA: iCivics 2023).

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  • Exploring Humanitarian Law

    The Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) Virtual Campus is an ICRC resource centre for educators (2009).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:753734" }

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