Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: JUST-IN-TIME) und (Quelle: "Bildungsserver Hessen") ) und (Systematikpfad: "SPRACHEN UND LITERATUR")

Es wurden 2238 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • Growing Up in a Time of Fear

    Students read about what it’s like to be a Muslim teenager growing up in America at this moment, then consider ideas for countering stereotypes and Islamophobia (New York Times Learning Network 2015).

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  • Basic Rights: Listening In

    In this New York Times lesson from 2006, students share opinions about the legitimacy of eavesdropping on citizens (2009-18).

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  • 5 Spring Poems for Kids

    ʺIt’s time to bring in fresh and fun lessons with these Spring poems for kids. Baby birds are chirping, worms are digging through the mud, kids are jumping in rain puddles, and we admiring the beautiful flowers in bloom.  Spring is here, and it’s time to sing, read, and add these 5 Spring poems in your kiddos poetry notebook.ʺ (Quelle: Anbieter)

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  • VocabGrabber

    Ein Analyse-Tool, das eingefügte Texte auswertet: Häufigkeit von Wörtern, Synonyme und Erklärungen, Vokabelnetzwerke und Zuordnungen zu Wortfeldern können interaktiv betrachtet werden. ʺVocabGrabber analyzes any text you're interested in, generating lists of the most useful vocabulary words and showing you how those words are used in context. Just copy text from a ...

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  • Exploring Race, Bias and Identity With Students

    These 26 short New York Times documentaries range in time from 1 to 7 minutes and tackle issues of race, bias and identity (USA 2020).

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  • What Brits say – and what they mean

    ʺDie Briten pflegen die Kunst des höflichen Miteinanders. Doch manchmal ist Höflichkeit ein Deckmantel für mangelnde Begeisterung. The stereotype is that English people are impeccably polite. That’s not always true, of course. We Brits can be as rude as any other nation on earth. However, I believe we do have a special skill – the ability to be rude and polite at the ...

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  • Making a Difference: Ideas for Giving, Service Learning and Social Action

    Artikel aus der New York Times mit ganz konkreten Anregungen, wie einzelne Menschen gesellschaftlich etwas bewirken können. ʺThe weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day are often called the giving season, when charities ramp up their pitches and people consider to what causes and organizations they will give.But for many students in the United States and elsewhere, ...

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  • The Bicameral Congress

    Craig Benzine teaches about the United States Congress, and why it's bicameral, and what bicameral means. The 9 minutes video explains what the Senate and House of Representatives are for, some of the history of the institutions, and reveals just how one can become a representative (USA: CrashCourse 2015-20).

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  • YouTube: Numberphile

    Each episode of Numberphile varies in length, between just over a minute to about fifteen minutes, and includes quick brain teasers, hands on demonstrations, interviews, and short lessons (USA: Mathematical Sciences Research Institute and the Simons Foundation Science Sandbox 2017-21).

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  • 1848 - The Year of (Failed) Revolutions

    All across the continent revolutionary movements erupted and demanded a new order. This video deals with France and the German states (13 minutes / USA: Real Time History 2023).

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