Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: IMPACT) und (Schlagwörter: THE) ) und (Schlagwörter: IMPACT)

Es wurden 4 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 4
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education: Impact & Examples

    Despite the many benefits that technology has brought to education, there are also concerns about its impact on higher education institutions. With the rise of online education and the growing availability of educational resources on the internet, many traditional universities and colleges are worried about the future of their institutions.  (Quelle: Anbieter) ...

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  • The Impact of the Immigration Act of 1924

    This DocsTeach lesson tackles immigration and late 19th-early 20th century nativism in the United States (USA: National Archives 2020).

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  • SLASH, CUT, SPEND: Exploring the Impact of Keynesian Economics During a Recession

    In this NY Times lesson, students define and examine the role of Keynesian economics during recessions and depression, then write a memo to President Obama advising him on how to put Keynesian principles into practice (2009).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:281164" }

  • The Economic Impact of the Crisis

    Students will be able to: Explain the immediate universal impact the virus had on our economy and way of life / Understand that a significant number of American households were distressed financially before the pandemic / Recognize that the recovery from the pandemic has been very disparate creating different experiences along multiple demographic and economic lines (USA: ...

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[ allgemeinbildende Schulen [ bilingualer Unterricht [ Universitäten [ UGS [ Technischer Zeichner [ Technischer Produktdesigner [ Technische Hochschulen [ Technikunterricht [ Technikerschulen [ Techniker [ Technik Unterricht [ Teamcenter [ TU [ Praxisorientierte Fächer [ PLMVIM [ PLM