Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: DEMOCRACY) und (Schlagwörter: THE) ) und (Schlagwörter: MEDIA)

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1 bis 10
  • Media


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  • Media – Media in use: I would if I could

    The main focus of this unit lies on the ability to work with existing media, to use its possibilities and to know its boundaries (PH Zürich: Living Democracy 2021).

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  • Media and Democracy

    Media and Democracy

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  • Media and Democracy

    Common Cause is working to ensure that the media meet their obligations to serve the public by promoting diversity, accessibility, and accountability among media corporations and the government agencies that regulate the media. (USA 2009-16)

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  • Understanding Media: The Inside Story

    This course unit demonstrates the role that a free and independent press can and does play in the American political system, serving often as the people’s watchdog (Annenberg Learner 2021).

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  • Social-Media Companies Threaten Democracy

    Today, social-media companies like Facebook and Google are the gatekeepers of meaningful freedom of speech (USA: .

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  • Social Media and the Future of Democracy

    Students explore whether social media has contributed to echo chambers, and hate speech — and consider options for improving public discussion on social media (USA: TeachableMoment 2019).

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  • How Social Media is Shaping Our Political Future

    Drawing on her personal path from indifferent citizen to passionate campaigner, Victoria Bonney implores us to examine the ways citizens and elected officials alike are using social media to change democracy (USA 2020).

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  • The State of the News Media (USA)

    Every year the Pew Research Center issues an report on key audience and economic indicators for the U.S. news media industry. (USA 2011-18)

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  • State of the News Media

    The Pew Research Center's annual report provides data on a number of issues, including news media funding structures and the news consumption habits of U.S. residents (USA 2017).

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