Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: "TEACHING RESOURCE ") und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE II") ) und (Systematikpfad: "BILINGUALER UNTERRICHT")

Es wurden 8 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 8
  • Still Separate, Still Unequal

    This teaching resource uses New York Times articles and Op-Eds to investigate the issue (2019).

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  • Global Environmental Justice Atlas

    The environmental justice atlas documents and catalogues social conflict around environmental issues. The map is a valuable teaching resource for curricula about social and environmental issues. (USA 2020)

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  • Terrorism

    Students will investigate the different types of terrorism and explore what makes someone a terrorist as well as different ideas and opinions about terrorism from a historical perspective (tes 2021).

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  • Green Chemistry Teaching Resources

    The goal of these materials is ”to increase awareness and understanding of Green Chemistry principles, alternatives, practices, and benefits within traditional educational institutions and among practicing scientists.” (American Chemical Society 2012)

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  • Lesley University Library: Biology

    Created by subject librarians, the site includes data sources for those working with upper level high school students and includes teaching resources for students of all ages (USA 2014).

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  • Digital Teaching Resources Laboratory

    Based at the University of Alberta, the Digital Teaching Resources Laboratory (DiTRL) is a computer lab for students and faculty designed to help undergraduates learn about biology. DiTRL’s site contains instructional multimedia resources including botany, ecology, and entomology (Canada 2012)

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  • The British Empire lesson plan

    This activity is designed to take about two lessons. It is most suitable for ages 11–14. The lesson plans and resources are flexible and give guidance on using Google to research the topic (UK: tes 2017-21).

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  • British Political Parties

    These resources include an introduction to the major political parties in the UK and their operation (tes 2012-2018, kostenfreie Registrierung erforderlich).

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Vorschläge für alternative Suchbegriffe:

[ Englisch [ Politik und Wirtschaft [ Geschichte [ Didaktische Grundlageninformation [ Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht [ Geographieunterricht [ Geografieunterricht [ Erdkundeunterricht [ Fachdidaktik [ Experiment [ Schulphysik [ Physikunterricht [ Naturwissenschaften [ Mathematikunterricht [ Grafische Darstellung [ Fremdsprachenunterricht