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Es wurden 53 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • Othello - a summary

    9-minute video that summarizes Shakespeare's ʺOthelloʺ by VideoSparkNotes

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  • Othello - short summary

    a 6-minute video that summarizes the main events of Shakespeare's famous tragedy Othello 

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  • What mayors do: Local government in Germany

    Video from a Brit's perspective on local government in Germany (5 minutes)

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  • Gewaltenteilung - Wie funktioniert's?

    Das Erklärvideo unterscheidet horizontale und vertikale Gewaltenteilung (3 Minuten).

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  • Plate Tectonics

    The earth's crust is split up into dozens of pieces called tectonic plates, which ʺfloatʺ on top of the mantle (7 minutes / USA: Brain POP 2020).

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  • The Evolution of Ancient Egypt's Pyramids

    Egyptologists explore why the ancient Egyptians only built these massive structures for a few centuries in their vast 3,000 year history (National Geographic 2020).

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  • Is Hate Speech Legal? | Brandenburg v. Ohio

    The video explains the Supreme Court's Free Speech decision (USA 2019).

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  • How to Build a Better City

    MinuteEarth provides an entertaining view of trends in earth's environment (3 Minutes / USA 2020).

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  • Verkehrssysteme in Tokio

    Das hohe Verkehrsaufkommen der Megastadt Tokio kann nur bewältigt werden, weil der Verkehr auf mehreren Ebenen läuft. Die Filmsequenz befasst sich mit dem ausgeklügelten Straßen- und Schienennetz der Stadt und dem U- und S-Bahnsystem, das täglich zweimal 7,5 Millionen Pendler transportiert.

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  • Dave Eggers: an interview

    Writing Should be Joyful and Strange: 'Dave Eggers Reflects on 20 Years of 826 Valencia' Co-founder Dave Eggers and Executive Director Bita Nazarian discuss the non-profit's two decades of empowering young adults to find their voices in writing, and reflect on why the world needs writers now more than ever. video (4:06min) 

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