Ergebnis der Suche (3)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( (Freitext: USA) und (Lernressourcentyp: VIDEO/ANIMATION) ) und (Quelle: "Bildungsserver Hessen") ) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE I")

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21 bis 30
  • Dear Young People, Don't Vote

    Acronym, an organisation “committed to electing progressive candidates” hammered home the message that by not voting, young voters would allow older, often more conservative voters to make choices in their place with a viral video “Knock the Vote” (USA 2018).

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  • The Cold War

    Collection of videos (USA: The Cold War TV 2022)

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  • Video Tour of the U.S. Capitol

    A visitor guide gives this tour of the U.S. Capitol (USA 2021).

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  • Presidential Power

    The 7 minutes video clip looks at the powers of the President of the United States - that is the ones you can find in the Constitution (USA: CrashCourse 2015-19).

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  • U.S. Economy versus German Economy

    Wie stark ist die deutsche Wirtschaft verglichen mit der der USA? (5 minutes / USA: Infographics Show 2017-21)

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  • Imports, Exports, and Exchange Rates

    Jacob and Adriene walk you through the basics of imports, exports, and exchange (10 minutes / USA: Crash Course Economics #15, 2015-21)

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  • Kuba-Krise: Die Welt vor dem Atomkrieg

    Bei der Kuba-Krise hält die Welt im Jahr 1962 für knapp zwei Wochen den Atem an. Kommt es im Kalten Krieg ausgerechnet wegen der kleinen Karibikinsel Kuba zum Atomkrieg, zum nuklearen Showdown zwischen den USA mit ihrem Präsidenten John F. Kennedy und der Sowjetunion unter Nikita Chruschtschow?

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  • June 1, 1921 - Tulsa Race Riots

    On June 1, 1921, America's most prosperous black community was destroyed by a rioting white mob (USA: Voices of the Civil Rights Movement 2019).

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  • What is the 25th Amendment? How Does it Work?

    Can a president be forced to step aside if a mental or physical health crisis makes him unable to do his job? (USA 2020)

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  • Electing a US President in Plain English

    Short guide to understanding how the U.S. elects a new president (4 minutes, USA: 2020).

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