Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( (Freitext: THESE) und (Systematikpfad: "BILINGUALER UNTERRICHT") ) und (Quelle: "Bildungsserver Hessen") ) und (Systematikpfad: GEOGRAPHIE)

Es wurden 8 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 8
  • Earthquakes

    Students explore the causes of earthquakes, including the role of tectonic plates, and consider the efforts scientists are making to better understand and predict these sometimes deadly events (USA: PBS 2023).

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  • National Geographic: Atlas Explorer

    These atlases from National Geographic bring geography lessons to life for students of every grade and level.

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  • Earth Science Teaching Plans and Classroom Activities

    Created by, the site’s materials are organized into nine thematic areas. These areas include ”Volcanoes”, ”Water”, ”Weather”, ”Erosion”, and ”Plate Tectonics” (2011).

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  • Teaching Earth Science

    Created by, the materials are organized into nine thematic areas. These areas include ʺVolcanoesʺ, ʺWaterʺ, ʺWeatherʺ, ʺErosionʺ, and ʺPlate Tectonicsʺ (USA 2011-19).

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  • Learn.Genetics: Model Earth

    These resources, which include illustrated essays, videos, and interactive activities, help learners understand how scientists can use models to understand natural phenomena and create public policy (USA: Genetic Science Learning Center at the University of Utah 2018).

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  • Earthquakes and Tectonic Plates

    How can we determine the locations of tectonic plate boundaries?  How can we use seismic waves to pinpoint the epicenter of an earthquake?  In this activity, students will explore these questions using seismic data and triangulation (USA: California Academy of Sciences 2023).

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  • How to read Maps Using Grid References

    This video shows how OS maps are divided into different grid references and how we can use these to identify 4 figure and 6 figure grid references. This enables you to exactly find or pinpoint a region or place (Geographer Online 2012).

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  • Learning about Rain Forests around the World

    In this lesson, students learn about rain forests around the world, using the Barro Colorado biological reserve in the Panama Canal as a starting point. They then take part in a mock international summit, in which they present information on the challenges facing these rain forests and the initiatives in place to preserve and protect them. (New York Times Lesson Plan ...

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[ Englisch [ Geografie [ Weiterbildung [ Politik und Wirtschaft [ Erdkunde [ Geographieunterricht [ Geografieunterricht [ Erdkundeunterricht [ Geschichte [ Bildungspolitik [ Sachunterricht [ Schweiz [ Religionsunterricht [ Religionslehre [ Religionskunde [ Berufsbildung