Ergebnis der Suche (2)

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Es wurden 251 Einträge gefunden

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11 bis 20
  • TED-Ed: Mathematics Lessons

    TED-Ed, the youth and education initiative tied to the popular lecture series, is home to a number of short videos related to mathematics (USA 2016).

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  • Math Mornings at Yale

    Yale University lecture series ʺaimed at bringing the joy and variety of mathematics to studentsʺ (USA 2017).

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  • Beautiful Math

    What makes mathematics beautiful? The National Museum of Mathematics asks that question to a number of famous mathematicians and records their answers in this series (USA 2017).

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  • YouTube: The Math Forum at NCTM

    Mathematics educators can find a number of conference presentations of interest (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics USA 2017).

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  • Worldwide Center for Math

    The mathematics publishing company Worldwide Center for Math offers a number of instructional videos related to upper-level mathematics, including algebra, trigonometry, and precalculus (YouTube 2018).

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  • Problem Strings: A Lesson Format for All Students

    In this 70 minute webinar, Pamela Weber Harris demonstrates an instructional technique that she calls Problem Strings. In this method, math learners solve a series of problems collaboratively and use information and techniques from previous problems to help them solve new problems (USA 2017).

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  • TED-Ed: Math in Real Life Series

    Series of short videos about real-life applications of mathematics: How do you evaluate a graph that you see in an advertisement or online? Why do airlines overbook their flights - and how do they decide how many tickets to sell per flight? Is there any strategy to the game of rock, paper, scissors? (2017)

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  • Banished: American Ethnic Cleansings

    US-documentary on the forced removal of black residents (PBS 2010)

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  • The Price of Privacy: Re-Evaluating the NSA

    A debate between General Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and NSA, and Dr. David Cole, Georgetown professor of constitutional law. With the prompting and critical questioning of CBS News chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett, both participants debated the constitutionality of the NSA, and the appropriate balance between personal privacy and national security ...

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  • Iraq War: 20 Years On

    March 20, 2023 marked 20 years since the U.S., along with its coalition partners, launched a military invasion into Iraq (USA: Voice of America 2023).

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