Ergebnis der Suche (13)

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121 bis 130
  • The Economics of Income: The Rich Nations Mystery

    In this economics lessons, students will examine why some nations are economic successes and some countries struggle (USA: Econ Ed 2019).

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  • Would You Demand It?

    Students will be able to: Explain the basic principles of demand. Recognize the relationship between price and quantity demand. Demonstrate an understanding of the determinants of demand. (USA: EconEd 2020)

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  • Right Start in Teaching Economics

    The Right Start in Teaching Economics lessons were designed for those new to teaching economics (USA: Foundation for Teaching Economics 2020)

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  • Production Possibilities Curve

    The production possibilities curve is an excellent tool for showing scarcity, opportunity cost, and allocation of goods and services. The model is used to explain economic growth and efficiency for an economy (USA: EconEd 2011-19).

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  • Water: Teaching About the World’s Most Valuable Substance

    This interdisciplinary New York Times lesson explores some of the ways in which humanity is learning to cope with shortages or threats to this vital element of life (2014-20).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1732090" }

  • Tragedy in the Mediterranean

    In this New York Times lesson students consider both the human cost and the policy challenges of Europe’s immigration debate (2015).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2826446" }

  • 10 Ways to Study the U.S. Supreme Court

    The website explains ways to use he New York Times and additional resources from around the Web to address nine key questions about the Supreme Court with students (2014).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1779954" }

  • NSA Surveillance & the Politics of Whistleblowing

    Edward Snowden's leak of classified information about the NSA's surveillance of American citizens has touched off a debate about the need for government secrecy versus the public’s right to know. Two student readings and discussion questions probe the controversy (TeachableMoment USA 2013).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1708298" }

  • Ferguson Police Shootings: Considering the Responses

    Students consider nonviolence and violence by discussing the reactions of activists, the police, and others to the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, MO, on March 12, 2015 (Teachable Moment, USA 2015)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2812220" }

  • Teaching the Cold War

    What was the cold war? How did it shape history? How are we still seeing its echoes today? These Learning Network lesson plans and other materials  help students answer these questions by going beyond the textbook and working with original Times reporting, photojournalism and essays (The New York Times 2013-15).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2807678" }

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