Ergebnis der Suche (3)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( (Freitext: ANTIKE) und (Lernressourcentyp: VIDEO/ANIMATION) ) und (Systematikpfad: GESCHICHTE) ) und (Quelle: "Bildungsserver Hessen")

Es wurden 29 Einträge gefunden

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21 bis 29
  • What Etruscan Sounded Like - and how we know

    On the extinct language of an early Italian civilization (YouTube 2017)

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  • What Latin Sounded Like - and how we know

    Classical Latin went extinct, yet we still know how to pronounce it (YouTube 2017).

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  • Roma Antiqua

    The journey leads back in time through the splendours of Ancient Rome: from the Roman Forum to the Campus Martius and to the Vatican, Ostia Antica and Pompeii. (YouTube 2018)

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  • Ancient Rome

    The 13 minutes video shows the main buildings at the time of Constantine (Khan Academy: YouTube 2018)

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  • BBC - Mary Beard's Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit

    Mary Beard's entertaining whirlwind intro to Roman history begins with the origin myth of Romulus and Remus (YouTube 2018).

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  • Why didn't Rome Conquer Germania?

    The video explains it in 10 minutes (USA 2021)

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  • Ancient Maya 101

    With their impressive city structures and advanced astronomical understanding, the Maya civilization once dominated Mesoamerica (National Geographic 2021).

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  • A day in the life of an ancient Athenian

    It’s 427 BCE and the worst internal conflict ever to occur in the ancient Greek world is in its fourth year. Athens is facing a big decision: what to do with the people of Mytilene, a city on the island of Lesbos where a revolt against Athenian rule has just been put down. How did these kinds of decisions get made? (TED-Ed lesson 2021)

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  • A day in the life of an ancient Greek architect

    The year is 432 BCE. As dawn breaks over Athens, Pheidias is late for work. He is the chief builder for the Parthenon— Athens’ newest and largest temple— and when he arrives onsite, city officials accuse him of embezzling gold from the temple’s sacred central statue. He has until sundown to prove his innocence or face the courts (TED-Ed 2021).

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