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Es wurden 47 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • A Short History of the Korean War

    The British Imperial War Museum explains in an video the U.K.'s participation in the Korean War (1950-53, 13 minutes).

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  • Phil's Physics Kann man Menschen teleportieren?

    Kann man Menschen teleportieren? Die Antwort darauf gibt Philipp Häuser in diesem Video. Er erklärt, dass mit Teleportation eigentlich die ʺQuantenverschränkungʺ gemeint ist.

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  • Quantencomputer, Spin, Qubits, Stern-Gerlach-Versuch Phil's Physics

    In diesem Video erklärt Philipp Häuser, wie ein Quantencomputer mithilfe von Qubits funktioniert.

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  • EU budget behind the figures

    This video explains some key aspects of the Commission's proposal of 2018 for the EU long-term budget (2020).

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  • Let's Talk WTO

    Roberto Azevêdo, who as Director-General heads that staff, and Vonai Muyambo, External Relations officer, talk about why the WTO was created and how it works (2 minutes / 2021).

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  • Hearts and Minds (1974)

    The film's title is based on a quote from President Lyndon B. Johnson: ʺthe ultimate victory will depend on the hearts and minds of the people who actually live out thereʺ (USA 1974-21).

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  • Expansion of presidential power

    The 10 minutes video discusses, from Federalist No. 70 to the 22nd Amendment and Arthur Schlesinger's ʺImperial Presidency,ʺ the expansion and checks on presidential power (Khan Academy 2019).

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  • The Bicameral Congress

    Craig Benzine teaches about the United States Congress, and why it's bicameral, and what bicameral means. The 9 minutes video explains what the Senate and House of Representatives are for, some of the history of the institutions, and reveals just how one can become a representative (USA: CrashCourse 2015-20).

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  • Milton Friedman Speaks - Is Capitalism Humane?

    Is capitalism humane or inhumane? It is neither. But it tends to give free rein to the human values of human beings. Milton Friedman's documentary series Free To Choose first aired on PBS in 1980.

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  • Solving the Refugee and Migration Crisis?

    What would a sustainable refugee and migration policy look like? Professor Paul Collier of Oxford University in conversation with Social Europe's Editor-in-Chief Henning Meyer (Social Europe 2018-19)

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