Ergebnis der Suche (4)

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Es wurden 40 Einträge gefunden

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31 bis 40
  • Moving Migrants: Examining Intersections of Climate, Migration, and Gender

    In this lesson plan, students explore a short documentary that shares the story of climate migrants reckoning with the challenges of displacement (USA: Pulitzer Education 2021).

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  • Global International Migration Flows

    Interactive graphic from the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (Vienna University of Economics and Business 2015)

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  • Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge

    Das Bundesamt ist nicht nur zuständig für die Durchführung von Asylverfahren und den Flüchtlingsschutz, sondern auch Motor der bundesweiten Förderung der Integration (2020).

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  • International Migration

    The video explains the basics in 7 minutes (edeos-digital education GmbH 2018).

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  • United Nations Population Division

    Daten zur globalen Bevölkerungsentwicklung und zu Fragen der Migration (2021)

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  • Immigration Syllabus

    Collection of resources for teaching America's immigration history (2017)

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  • William Penn's Peaceable Kingdom

    By juxtaposing the different promotional tracts of William Penn and Francis Daniel Pastorius, students understand the ethnic diversity of Pennsylvania along with the “pull” factors of migration in the seventeenth century English colonies (USA: Edsitement 2018).

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  • Images of Immigration

    Students will evaluate how 19th-century images of immigrants reflected political and social attitudes toward them in the United States (North Carolina Museum of Art 2017).

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  • American Migrations

    Resource for teaching about African American and Latino migrations throughout American history (University of Illinois at Chicago 2015)

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  • What is the difference between Democrats and Republicans?

    This video explains the major political differences between the Democratic and Republican party views. The different topics that are compared are their ideals, logos, economy, healthcare, military, gun control, marriage, abortion, and immigration (USA 2020).

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