Ergebnis der Suche (7)

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Es wurden 66 Einträge gefunden

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61 bis 66
  • American Migrations

    Resource for teaching about African American and Latino migrations throughout American history (University of Illinois at Chicago 2015)

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  • The National Memorial for Peace and Justice

    This website shows the first U.S. memorial dedicated to the legacy of enslaved black people, people terrorized by lynching, African Americans humiliated by racial segregation and Jim Crow (2018).

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  • Colored Conventions

    This project chronicles the efforts of African Americans in the years before and after the Civil War, as they convened to discuss justice in education, work, and law at what were called ʺColored Conventions.ʺ(USA: University of Delaware 2018)

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  • A Continent Divided: The U.S. - Mexico War

    This war remains ʺthe largest and most significant armed struggle between two nations in the Western Hemisphere.ʺ(USA: University of Texas Arlington 2019)

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  • Countee Cullen: Incident

    Cullen, one of the best known poets of the Harlem Renaissance, published ʺIncidentʺ in 1925. The poem recalls a childhood ʺincidentʺ in which the speaker's life is forever altered when another child uses a racist slur against him in public (2021).

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  • History of U.S. Woman's Suffrage: Crusade for the Vote

    The National Women's History Museum (NWHM) has created this collection of primary source documents, lesson plans, and educational resources related to the long campaign to grant U.S. women full suffrage rights (2016-20).

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