Ergebnis der Suche (2)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( ( (Freitext: AMERICA) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE I") ) und (Quelle: "Bildungsserver Hessen") ) und (Systematikpfad: "BILINGUALER UNTERRICHT") ) und (Systematikpfad: GESCHICHTE)

Es wurden 27 Einträge gefunden

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11 bis 20
  • The History of Europeans in America

    Thirty million Europeans emigrated to the USA in the 19th Century to realize their American dream (40 mts., #americandream Documentary 2020).

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  • Black America

    Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 12/2018

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  • Archaeological Institute of America: Lesson Plans

    The topics covered include Mediterranean trade, Medieval European culture, art, and religion, Roman dress, Greco-Roman feast, Aztec culture and daily life, development of scripts in Mesopotamia and Egypt (2013-20).

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  • America's Black Holocaust Museum

    Online museum with resources about the African American experience as part of American history and culture (USA 2015)

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  • Canals

    These maps convey the ʺvitalityʺ of canals as engines of trade, economic development, and travel in antebellum America (USA 2021)

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  • Waldseemüller’s Map: World 1507

    For the first time, the 1507 World Map by Martin Waldseemüller labels America and shows the continent as a separate land mass (USA: LOC 2018).

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  • The Invasion of America

    Explore how the U.S. acquired North America in this interactive map of every Native American land cession since the birth of the nation (USA 2020).

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  • The Echoes of Kristallnacht

    In the film, the interview subjects recall their experiences in Weimar Germany and the early days of the Nazi regime. Many escaped by the Kindertransport program; others were lucky enough to obtain visas through well-connected family members or friends in America. This film was produced by the Leo Baeck Institute. (2018)

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  • Conquistadors

    The Spanish Conquistadors' exploration of the New World from 1500 to 1550 and their contact with Native Americans: Cortez and the Aztecs in Mexico, Peru; the Inca Empire and Pizzaro, Amazonia and the Quest for El Dorado, and North America: Cabeza de Vaca and the American Southwest.  (USA: PBS 2009-20)

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  • The US Elections Explained: Race

    Melanie R. Brown provides commentary on some of the key questions about race in America: its history, how it affects society today, and what needs to change (4 minutes / UK: LSE International Inequalities Institute 2021).

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