Ergebnis der Suche (4)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( ( ( (Freitext: SPRACHEN) und (Lernressourcentyp: UNTERRICHTSPLANUNG) ) und (Systematikpfad: ENGLISCH) ) und (Systematikpfad: POLITIK) ) und (Schlagwörter: THE) ) und (Systematikpfad: ECONOMICS)

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31 bis 40
  • The Streamin’ Blues

    The lesson provides insight into what makes musicians fans or opponents of digital streaming. Cost/benefit analysis and identifying incentives are the economic reasoning tools used in this lesson to understand why artists’ stance on streaming is rational, whether they give it a thumbs up or thumbs down (USA: FTE 2018).

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  • Economic systems

    This is an introductory lesson on economic systems. The students will determine how basic economic questions are answered in each system (School Improvement in Maryland 2008).

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  • A Fair Wage

    Form an opinion on the issue of fair pay and defend it with empirical evidence. (EconEd 2001-2009)

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  • What causes economic bubbles?

    This Ted-Ed lesson explains the peak of a business cycle using the tulip market in the 1600s as an example (2015).

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  • Understanding Economics in Civics and Government

    20 lesson plans explore the role economics plays in government and its influence on political choices (USA: EconEd 2020).

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  • Inflation and Unemployment - Is There a Correlation?

    Students view a video on inflation and are introduced to the concept of unemployment (USA EconEd 2017).

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  • Analyzing Federal Reserve Data

    How do you assess the health of the economy? In these lessons, students will analyze data in real time by linking to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' website, to answer that question (EconEd 2017).

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  • Broad Social Goals of an Economy

    Why do politicians disagree on economic issues — isn't there one right answer? (USA: EconEd 2020)

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  • Social Security and the National Debt

    Students will be able to analyze data about Social Security and its potential alternatives (USA: EconEd 2020).

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  • Tic Tac Taxes!

    Students distinguish among federal, state, and local taxes and the goods and services they support, identify three basic types of taxes (income, sales, and property) and describe the purposes of each (USA: EconEd 2002-2019)

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