Ergebnis der Suche (12)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( ( ( (Systematikpfad: ENGLISCH) und (Systematikpfad: LITERATUR) ) und (Systematikpfad: "BILINGUALER UNTERRICHT") ) und (Systematikpfad: "SPRACHEN UND LITERATUR") ) und (Systematikpfad: USA) ) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE II")

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111 bis 120
  • We the Voters

    The films and accompanying lesson plans provide a fresh perspective on democracy, elections, governance, and debating, appropriate for grades 10-12 (USA: PBS 2016-18).

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  • Investigating Gerrymandering and the Math Behind Partisan Maps

    In many states, where the majority party has the authority to rewrite the electoral map, legislators essentially have the power to choose their voters (New York Times Lesson 2018).

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  • Money and Elections

    Students will be introduced to the sources of campaign war chests, learning about the recent court decisions that have allowed for the creation of ʺSuper PACSʺ and other organizations. The exploration will turn to how a candidate raises resources and how spending has accelerated in recent election cycles (USA: EconEd 2018).

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  • Do midterm elections matter?

    Students gain an understanding of midterm elections and discuss reasons why voter turnout remains low (USA: PBS 2018).

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  • Gerrymandering

    Students read about the illegal practice of manipulating the boundaries of legislative districts for political gain. They then create their own gerrymandered districts in a drag and drop exercise. (USA: Wisc-Online 2018)

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  • Understanding Voting Rates

    Students examine how voting rates are determined and how those rates change depending upon the population being studied (USA: Wisc-Online 2018).

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  • Campaign finance

    Wikipedia gives an overview on the main aspects of ʺthe costs of democracyʺ (2018).

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  • Campaign finance in the United States

    Although most campaign spending is privately financed, public financing is available for qualifying candidates for President of the United States during both the primaries and the general election (2018).

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  • Dark money

    In the politics of the United States, dark money is funds given to nonprofit organizations that can receive unlimited donations from corporations, individuals and unions. They can spend funds to influence elections, but are not required to disclose their donors (2018).

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  • Election Statistics, 1920 to Present

    The House of Representatives has collected the official vote counts for federal elections from the official sources among the various states and territories (USA 2018).

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