Ergebnis der Suche (6)

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Es wurden 91 Einträge gefunden

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51 bis 60
  • What causes an earthquake?

    This video takes a look at the movement of the earth's tectonic plates and how the release of extreme pressure built up at the plates' boundaries results in an earthquake (2 minutes / UK: The Daily Telegraph 2023).

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  • The Past Online

    Darstellende Überblickstexte zum bilingualen Geschichtsunterricht: The Middle Ages 500 ? 1500. Early Modern Times 1500 - 1800. The Age of Revolutions. The Age of Imperialism. The World Between the Wars. World War II and the Holocaust (Bildungsserver Rhld.-Pfalz 2011-13)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1691426" }

  • Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States

    Digital version of a historical atlas: Charles O. Paullin and John K. Wright's 1932 ʺAtlas of Historical Geography of the United Statesʺ (Digital Scholarship Lab of the University of Richmond 2014-20)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1732093" }

  • Earth Exploration Toolbook

    Step-by-step instructions for using Earth system science datasets and scientific analysis tools. Chapters include ”Analyzing the Antarctic Ozone Hole,” ”Climate History from Deep Sea Sediments,” and ”Evidence for Plate Tectonics” (Carleton College, USA 2012)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1455568" }

  • Population Europe

    The Population Europe network offers a broad range of educational materials, videos and software, which can be used in school classrooms, universities and other educational facilities to explain major demographic trends (2022).

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  • USGS: Educational Resources

    The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has brought together a unique blend of materials designed to complement and enhance the experiences of teachers and students seeking to understand the wide world of geology and other sciences, including geography, ecology, hydrology, atmospheric sciences, and planetary sciences (2021).

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  • Royal Geographical Society: Teaching resources

    Unterrichtsmaterialien für alle Altersstufen (UK 2023)

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  • Kurzgesagt

    Kurzgesagt (German for ”in a nutshell”) is a Munich-based YouTube channel and design studio that beautifully blends animation, illustration, interactives, and well-themed music to help explain a variety of educational and popular topics (2015).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2961653" }

  • National Center for Atmospheric Research

    US research and development center for studying Earth’s atmosphere (2022)

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  • Vital Signs of the Planet: Graphics and Multimedia

    NASA hosts this collection of resources: a variety of simulations, short documentaries, infographics, and interactive quizzes (USA 2016).

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