Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( (Freitext: FILM) und (Systematikpfad: "SPRACHEN UND LITERATUR") ) und (Systematikpfad: ENGLISCH) ) und (Lernressourcentyp: VIDEO/ANIMATION)

Es wurden 19 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • Education pathways in Hesse

    The film offers a short overview of the different ways of education until graduation (5 minutes / 2023).

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  • An Outrage

    Set against a backdrop of six lynching sites, the documentary film looks at this history through the eyes of community activists, scholars and the descendants of victims (30 minutes, USA: Teaching Tolerance 2018).

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  • ʺFather and Daughterʺ - Animated short film by Michael Dudok de Wit (2000)

    A father bids farewell to his young daughter; she grows up longing for his return. Run time: 8:30

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  • The Echoes of Kristallnacht

    In the film, the interview subjects recall their experiences in Weimar Germany and the early days of the Nazi regime. Many escaped by the Kindertransport program; others were lucky enough to obtain visas through well-connected family members or friends in America. This film was produced by the Leo Baeck Institute. (2018)

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  • Bowling for Columbine

    Der Dokumentarfilmer Michael Moore nimmt den Amoklauf an der Columbine-High School in Littleton zum Ausgangspunkt für seinen Oscar-gekrönten Film ʺBowling for Columbineʺ (Filmheft 2002-18).

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  • US Elections 2012: A long way ... (ab Klasse 8)

    Aufgaben zum Film (Landesbildungsserver Baden-Württemberg 2012)

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  • Preisstabilität

    Der etwa halbstündige, kostenlos angebotene Film hilft dabei, die komplexe Materie der europäischen Geldpolitik im Unterricht zu vermitteln (d/e; fwu 2019).

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  • Don’t Panic — How to End Poverty in 30 Years

    The film was broadcasted on BBC TWO on September 23, 2015.

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  • Beat Bullying

    The film demonstrates the harmful effects of bullying and how citizenship education programmes can equip children with the necessary skills to stop bullying (Council of Europe 2020).

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  • Briefe an Santa Claus

    Die Sequenz "Briefe an Santa Claus" (1:30 min), aus dem Film "Chicago, Florida und zurück", zeigt Kinder, die Weihnachtsbriefe schreiben, die sie an Santa Claus, North Pole, adressieren und in einen eigenen typischen Landbriefkasten legen.

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