Ergebnis der Suche (3)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: SECURITY)

Es wurden 39 Einträge gefunden

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21 bis 30
  • Center for Strategic and International Studies

    The american thinktank conducts analyses of political, economic and security issues throughout the world, with a specific focus on issues concerning international relations, trade, technology, finance, energy and geostrategy (USA 2018).

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  • Why was NATO founded?

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization ensures that the security of its European member countries is inseparably linked to that of its North American member countries (NATO 2018).

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  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

    USCIS is an agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that administers the country's naturalization and immigration system (2019).

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  • IT-Security

    Arbeitsblätter, Übungsdateien und Onlineübungen für den Informatikunterricht.

    { "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00003383" }

  • The Soviet Origins of Helmut Kohl's 10 Points

    Documents show secret messages from Moscow sparked West German chancellor to announce German unification plans on November 28, 1989 (USA: The National Security Archive 2009-20)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:747199" }

  • The Monroe Doctrine

    In 1823, President James Monroe issued what came to be called the Monroe Doctrine, warning European powers from intervening in the affairs of the western hemisphere in order to prevent threats to American trade and national security (USA: Bill of Rights Institute 2021).

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  • Website Credibility Lesson Plan

    This lesson plan for Grades 4-8 will help guide students to identify and classify resources for credibility, explain why websites should be evaluated for credibility, evaluate example websites, and share their findings with classmates (USA: Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security at Purdue University 2021). 

    { "HE": [] }

  • Soziale Sicherung im Überblick (Deutschland) - Stand 2017

    Die Broschüre ermöglicht einen zusammenfassenden Überblick über das System der sozialen Sicherung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Behandelt werden unter anderem die Renten-, Kranken-, Pflege- und Unfallversicherung, die Bereiche Arbeitsförderung, Arbeitsrecht und Erziehungsgeld, die Rehabilitation Behinderter Menschen, Wohngeld und Sozialhilfe.

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:42073" }

  • The Price of Privacy: Re-Evaluating the NSA

    A debate between General Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and NSA, and Dr. David Cole, Georgetown professor of constitutional law. With the prompting and critical questioning of CBS News chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett, both participants debated the constitutionality of the NSA, and the appropriate balance between personal privacy and national security ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1760664" }

  • The Geography of Food and Agricultural Trade

    During the pandemic, international trade continued to link food deficit areas to surplus regions, contributing to food security and nutrition. But the war in Ukraine is threatening multilateral cooperation and risks fragmenting the global food market. How can trade policies in food and agriculture address today's challenges? (FAO 2022)

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