Ergebnis der Suche (287)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: SCHULUNTERRICHT) und (Systematikpfad: "SPRACHEN UND LITERATUR")

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2861 bis 2870
  • The Institute of Physics: Content Tailored for Teachers

    The Institute of Physics, based in London, has created this page for teachers looking for high-quality resources to help students learn about the basic principles and laws of physics (UK 2012-20). 

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  • Travel Buddy

    Im Unterrichtsprojekt "Travel Buddy" sucht sich eine Klasse ein Kuscheltier, das mit Briefen und Berichten über die Schule und die Heimatstadt an andere Schulen im englischsprachigen Ausland geschickt wird. Somit haben die Schülerinnen und Schüler an internationaler Kommunikation via E-Mail teil.

    { "LO": "DE:LO:de.lehrer-online.un_1001391" }

  • NewsOnline - Eine Schülerzeitung mit Primolo

    Wie sich eine digitale Schülerzeitung mit Hilfe des Webseiten-Generators Primolo kinderleicht realisieren lässt, erfahren Sie in diesem Bericht.; Lernressourcentyp: Unterrichtsplanung; Mindestalter: 6; Höchstalter: 9

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:52410" }

  • The Past Is Present

    This teaching suggests different methods teachers can use to facilitate connections between the past and the present (New York Times Learning 2018).

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  • How the Ukraine Crisis Developed, and Where It Might Be Headed

    In two lesson, students will learn about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and consider what is at stake for the rest of the world (New York Times, updated Feb. 24, 2022).

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  • Population Europe

    The Population Europe network offers a broad range of educational materials, videos and software, which can be used in school classrooms, universities and other educational facilities to explain major demographic trends (2022).

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  • Umgang mit Kontroversen

    Die Broschüre erscheint im Rahmen des Pilotprojektes ʺHuman Rights and Democracy in Actionʺ der Europäischen Union und des Europarats, das darauf abzielt, die Grundsätze der Europarats-Charta zur Politischen Bildung und Menschenrechtsbildung umzusetzen (Demokratiezentrum Wien 2018).

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  • Economics of Disasters

    This set of lessons looks at a variety of natural disasters - from the Black Death of the Middle Ages to Hurricane Katrina in our too-recent memory, to fears of avian flu pandemics that haunt the future - through the lens of economic analysis (Foundation for Teaching Economics, USA 2009-20).

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  • USGS: Educational Resources

    The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has brought together a unique blend of materials designed to complement and enhance the experiences of teachers and students seeking to understand the wide world of geology and other sciences, including geography, ecology, hydrology, atmospheric sciences, and planetary sciences (2021).

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  • How to read Maps Using Grid References

    This video shows how OS maps are divided into different grid references and how we can use these to identify 4 figure and 6 figure grid references. This enables you to exactly find or pinpoint a region or place (Geographer Online 2012).

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