Ergebnis der Suche (8)

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71 bis 80
  • Journalism, Justice, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    The unit focuses on the fragility of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It looks at the role of the media and highlights the importance of underreported news stories (USA: Pulitzer 2021).

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  • Rampage at the Capitol

    Lesson plan ideas, activities and New York Times materials for exploring the causes and consequences of the January 6, 2021 assault on democracy in the United States (2021).

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  • Lynching and Race Riots in the United States,1880-1950

    This unit is divided into three sections: 1) lynchings, 2) the most significant race riots between 1898 and 1943 and 3) the Black response to these acts of violence (USA: Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute 2018)

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  • The Final Vote for President

    In this New York Times lesson students explore America’s unique system of “indirect popular election”. Students learn why the authors of the United States Constitution set up such a system, and they consider arguments to abolish it (2016-19).

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  • Amanda Gorman and ‘The Hill We Climb’

    In this New York Times lesson, students learn about the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history and consider her work as part of a tradition of occasional poetry (2021).

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  • Growing Up in a Time of Fear

    Students read about what it’s like to be a Muslim teenager growing up in America at this moment, then consider ideas for countering stereotypes and Islamophobia (New York Times Learning Network 2015).

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  • What Is Verification?

    Students will learn what information verification is and why it is important for news consumers to verify the stories they read or view. They will consider the responsibilities news organizations, audience members, and social media platforms have in promoting a media landscape of factual news information (USA 2019). 

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  • Changing the Constitution

    America's constitutional government has changed over time as a result of amendments to the U.S. Constitution, Supreme Court decisions, legislation, and other practices. Students will analyse examples of each type of change to determine their impacts on our constitutional goverment (USA: iCivics 2016-18)

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  • How to Use Social Media for Social Good

    This lesson plan from PBS NewsHour Extra is designed to teach students to how to recognize bots online and critically reflect on how bots are shaping political discourse around the world (USA 2017).

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  • Towards a freemarket economy: economic transition in Europe

    Mit der englischen Unterrichtseinheit lernen die Schülerinnen und Schüler die Wirtschaftsordnung der EU und ihren politisch-wirtschaftlichen Wandel in den letzten 30 Jahre  besser kennen und beschäftigen sich mit den grundlegenden Ideen des Ökonomen Adam Smith (ZEIT für die Schule 2021).   

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